“So, about that... I’ve been thinking perhaps if I offered you a raise, you might be persuaded to stay here and find a new secretary for Gary. Obviously, you’re much more valuable in your position here—”

“Mr. Gherring. I’m only staying here until after the wedding. We’ve been through this before.”

“But, I’m prepared to offer a significant raise. How much would it take to convince you?”

“Mr. Gherring, I’m not changing my mind. I’m not irreplaceable. There are plenty of qualified candidates. We have another round of interviews on Monday. If you’ll simply choose someone, I’ll have plenty of time to train them before January.”

“They’re all simpering idiots.” He’d already thought this through and made up his mind.

“They are not! I’ve even brought in people with business degrees who’re willing to work as your executive assistant to gain experience.”

“I don’t want someone who simply wants to use this job as a stepping-stone.”

“You’re so difficult to please. Most of the candidates were experienced executive assistants, and every single one was smart, probably smarter than I am.”

“Experience isn’t everything. Personality is important. None of them were compatible with my personality.”

“No one is compatible with your personality,” she snapped. At his stormy expression, her face paled. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gherring. I didn’t mean that.” She rubbed her furrowed forehead. “If you’ll simply have an open mind about Monday’s group of interviewees, I’m certain you’ll find your ideal secretary.”

Gherring couldn’t help but wonder about the truth of her statement. Perhaps there was no one with whom he’d ever be truly compatible. But in his mind, he was applying her words to his yearning for love. Maybe he could be satisfied with a more civilized union, instead of a passion-filled marriage. Perhaps a marriage to Alicia Esparza, more of a business agreement, would be good enough. In fact, it was probably the best he could hope for, though the thought didn’t set well with him.

“Not a secretary—a personal executive assistant. And what if I don’t like any of them?”

“You will—you have to.” Her reply was firm and left no room for negotiation. “I have the resumes. Would you like to look over them today?”

“No,” he said, with defiance still in his voice.

Katie moaned her frustration before changing the subject. “Oh, about tomorrow night. You have the Black and White Charity Ball, remember?”

“Yes, and you contacted Mr. Cooper about canceling the escort?”

“Yes, I did that on Monday, as soon as you told me.” She hesitated. “So you’re going on

a second date with Ms. Esparza?” She couldn’t hide the curiosity in her voice.

“Yes.” He refused to elaborate to sate her inquisitiveness.

Katie remarked, “She’s very beautiful, but...”


“It’s none of my business.”

“You’re right. It isn’t.” At the hurt in her eyes, he regretted his harsh reply, but he made no move to apologize as he turned to stalk into his office. Perhaps he should hire a male executive assistant. Women were entirely too difficult to control.


Everyone who was anyone in New York City attended the Black and White Ball. The event raised money to help families of police officers and firemen who were injured or killed on the job. It was a perfect opportunity to see and be seen. Although no campaign speeches were given, every candidate in the local races was present, and all were taking advantage of the opportunity to work the crowd and gain free publicity from the plethora of reporters at the fundraiser.

Alicia Esparza was no exception. Gherring couldn’t help but admire her ability to attract and hold the rapt attention of the small audience surrounding her. He recognized the skill since he possessed it himself. Her evening gown was carefully chosen to be attractive, yet not overtly racy. Her ample assets were highlighted, but not openly displayed. She artlessly flicked a lock of her dark hair over her shoulder to join the thick shining mass. She didn’t cling to him, a trait he greatly appreciated. But when the dancing started, she arrived at his side.

“Dance with me?” She pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.

“Certainly,” he said, sweeping her into a waltz on the as yet uncrowded dance floor. They moved together smoothly and flawlessly.

“We fit together well,” she remarked.

“You mean, on the dance floor?”