“Just a woman I know. We’ve been out once. I’m just considering the possibility.” He hoped his vague answer would satisfy his intimidating grandmother, halting her certain-to-be-disastrous plans.

“She’s not the one,” Gram declared.

“You don’t even know her,” he objected.

“I can tell by the way you’re talking about her. She’s not the one.”

“Gram, first you want me to find a wife. Then you shoot down the one I’m considering before you know anything about her.”

“I wanted you to find a wife. I’ve been telling you to find a wife for the last thirty years. You had your chance. Now it’s my turn.”

“Whom do you have in mind?”

“No need for you to worry about it. I’m handling all the details.”

“Gram, need I remind you I’m a grown man who runs a multi-billion-dollar company? I won’t tolerate your interference. And if you show up here with a woman who’s been promised I’m going to marry her, she’ll be in for a rude awakening. It’s not happening. In fact, I’m telling you right now, I won’t even go out on a date with her,” he said, bombing her with a dark scowl.

The blithe smile on her face alarmed him despite the acquiescence in her words. “Yes dear.”

“I mean it, Gram!”

“Yes, dear. Of course, dear. But, I have a present for you.”

His eyebrows flew up. She usually didn’t buy gifts since he invariably already owned everything he needed or wanted. “What is it?”

She handed him a small box, complete with gift-wrap and a bow. “Thanks, Gram,” he said, planting a kiss on the top of her head. He quickly unwrapped the present, uncovering a small jewelry box. He lifted the lid to find a diamond ring with a large square center stone set within a ring of smaller diamonds.

“It was mine. Your grandfather gave it to me as an anniversary ring the year you were born. He died shortly after that.” Her eyes misted. “I haven’t worn it for a while, and I want you to have it.”

She held up her hand as he started to object. “Even if you don’t get married, I want you to have it. You can do what you like with it. Of course, I hope you’ll use it as an engagement ring, or have it remade into one of your choosing. But if not... You can make it into a tie-tack or whatever you like.”

Steven wrapped his arm around her small shoulders. “Thank you, Gram. This really means a lot to me.”

“Good.” She returned to her standard gruff tone. “You’re a good boy, Steven.”

“I’m not a boy, Gram,” he said good-humoredly.

“You may be a man to all those people who work at Gherring Inc., but you’ll always be my little Steven. And that’s why I know it’s not good for you to be alone.”

He groaned, “Not again...”


Gherring arrived at the Town Center Office Building at seven forty-five Friday morning. This was a game he played for his own amusement. Officially, the Gherring Inc. business day began at nine a.m. But Gherring enjoyed appearing a little early and lounging near the elevators to watch the employees arrive. As a result, the employees began to come earlier, in an attempt to beat their boss to work. So, Steven began gradually pushing up his arrival time, and the employees correspondingly arrived earlier as well. Yet, he knew when he was out of town the entire company reverted to their normal start time.

It wasn’t much, but it provided a bit of distraction in a life that had become increasingly dull. He wondered if Gram wasn’t right, after all. He almost regretted he’d concentrated on business to the near-complete exclusion of his personal life. He couldn’t help feeling something was missing. And now, Gary, his only true friend, was getting married. He knew he would feel even more isolated after the wedding, despite Gary’s insistence nothing would change. And not only was Gary going to marry Katie Carson, but he was also planning to steal her away from Gherring Inc. Steven hoped he could influence her to stay.

“Good morning, Ms. Carson,” he said.

“Morning, Mr. Gherring. I’ve confirmed your appointments for today.”

“Thank you, Ms. Carson. You’re efficient, as always. What do you and Gary have on the agenda for the weekend?”

Her face became animated. “We’re working on addressing wedding invitations. At least I hope I can get Gary to help me. He’s constantly down at Climbing High. I swear he might as well sleep down there.”

“I’m glad to know he’s putting in maximum effort to make our investment a success. But I never had any doubt.”

“I’m looking forward to working there with him. Otherwise, I might never get to see him.”