She offered a kind smile and indicated a chair opposite the desk.

“May I offer you some refreshments, Ms. Best? Coffee? Tea? Water?”

Anne was about to politely refuse and meekly take her seat, when the gentleman behind the desk spoke sternly.

“That won’t be necessary, Ms. Carson. Please, leave us alone.”

“Yes, Mr. Gherring,” she murmured, heading for the door.

Anne felt the blood pounding in her head. She might not have any chance of being hired for this job in the face of her young, sleek competitors, but she would be treated with respect. She turned to stop the woman who was leaving the room.

“Wait! Uhmm… Ms. Carson? Please wait. Yes, thank you, I would love some water.”

Anne stared fixedly at the startled woman, who froze in place, and glanced hesitantly from her boss to Anne and back to her boss again. Silence hung like ice in the room. She felt his eyes boring into the back of her head.

“Well, Ms. Carson, what are you waiting for?” asked the man in a sarcastic voice. “Please retrieve some water at once for our honored patron, Ms. Pest.”

Anne swirled around to face the man behind the desk, who now gave her his full attention.

“My name is Anne Best, and I can see this interview is a waste of my time and a waste of your resources. Sorry to have inconvenienced you!”

Anne shook with fury as she glared at Gherring, but it wasn’t rage that took her breath away. The man was striking! He wasn’t cute or handsome like a young, smooth-faced jock. His face seemed chiseled, and his jaw was strong. He had dimples that appeared as he flexed his jaw, without a hint of a smile on his face. He was the kind of guy whose looks only improved with age, and he’d obviously started off really well. How old was he? Maybe late forties or early fifties? He regarded her quietly with his intensely blue eyes. She kicked herself inwardly. How could she be attracted to this boorish, obnoxious man? He obviously felt his position of power gave him the right to treat others any way he pleased. Yet she felt tingly all over as he slowly perused her from head to toe.

Suddenly acutely aware of her rumpled, sub-standard appearance, her strange combination of vehemence and attraction was quickly replaced with acute embarrassment. She dropped her eyes and fumbled with her purse and legal pad as she began to slink out of the room, blinking back tears.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she mumbled. “It was a mistake to come—”

“Wait!” demanded Gherring as she attempted to push past the assistant who was still frozen in shock. “I said, wait!” commanded the voice.

Anne hesitated a moment and glanced over her shoulder.

“Please!” he said, somehow having arrived right behind her. “I meant to say… please wait.” He lowered his voice and spoke soothing

ly. “Please, Ms. Best, would you come back and sit down? I’ve obviously started off on the wrong foot with you. I’ve given you a bad impression.”

He gently guided her to the interview chair, and motioned for the assistant to bring the water. He wore a satisfied smile as he sat back down, noticeably more comfortable as he gained control of the situation. “And you’ve given me an interesting impression as well.”

Anne felt anything but in control. Abruptly dry-eyed, she noticed a tingle where he’d touched her elbow. Experiencing a bit of light-headedness, she smiled gratefully as Ms. Carson handed her a glass of water. She took a sip and tried to control her shaking hands.

“Shall we begin again?” he inquired in a polite voice, clearly a bit bemused at the situation. “Do you know who I am, Ms. Best? Let me introduce myself. I’m Steven Gherring. I’ll be interviewing you today for the position of my personal executive assistant.”

He was staring at her, waiting. What did he expect? How was she supposed to react to his revelation? She forced a grim smile and stuck out her hand.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Gherring. My name is Anne Best.”

He seemed disappointed in her response.

“Perhaps you’ve heard my name before.”

She shook her head. It sounded familiar. Where had she heard the name before?

“Well, I’m sure you know of my company, Gherring Inc.?”

“Do y’all make car parts?” she asked hopefully.

He sighed. “No, I’m afraid not. We’re an international trade company with holdings… You mean you really have no idea who I am? No idea at all?”

“Well, no. I’m sorry. The recruiter just said y’all were in the Town Center Economic Tower, on the top floor.”