“I don’t have moods, Ms. Carson.” He realized Katie was getting more and more outspoken as the time came for her to leave her position at Gherring Inc. She sounded almost as feisty as Anne Best. He liked feisty, but he’d need to be careful to nip that attitude in the bud. He couldn’t have his personal executive assistant being too rebellious.

“Sorry,” she said with a sweet voice. “Wrong word choice. You don’t have moods. You have varying amounts of tolerance for whatever doesn’t go exactly as you planned.”

He grunted in response. It was obviously too late to fix Katie, but he’d do better with Ms. Best. “Let me see that reservation list...”


The cameras flashed as Gherring exited the limousine. He held out his hand to Alicia. She placed her manicured fingers in his palm and rose gracefully from the seat, smiling at the press and waving her unfettered hand. Her dark hair glistened in the streetlights, falling down over a low-backed evening dress with a high side-slit. The black dress, accented with beads and sequins, fell in smooth waves from a ruching on the side opposite the slit. She was striking and sophisticated, and garnered attention seemingly without effort. But effort was involved. Every move and every look was calculated for greatest effect. Her rise in the polls was impressive, due in some part to her recent association with Steven Gherring.

As she took his elbow to saunter into the fundraiser, he felt her soft warmth against his arm. He watched her scan the room as they entered and couldn’t help but admire her ability to make an impression. They chatted with the mayor and his wife and other city officials who were seated at their table. While the speaker was discussing federal funding of city projects, Gherring let his mind wander.

He examined Alicia’s profile. Her skin was a warm caramel color, and her lips were full. But his mind drifted to another image. Anne’s undecorated face, fresh clean skin with a few visible freckles, and two large pink spots that appeared when she blushed. He couldn’t help but compare Alicia to Anne, although no two women could be more different. Where Alicia was a master at showmanship, Anne possessed no ability whatsoever to hide her emotions. Every thought and feeling was plainly written on her face. As a single woman of thirty-two, Alicia was an experienced seductress, skilled and accomplished in attracting men. Anne was forty-five years of age, a widow, and a mother of two. Yet she had an aura of innocence and purity, and appeared to be distinctly unaffected. Alicia knew exactly who Steven Gherring was, and admittedly valued him for his power and influence. But when he’d met Anne, she’d had no inkling of his identity, nor the magnitude of his wealth. Yet she’d been unable to hide the flash of attraction in her eyes.

At least he hoped that was what he’d seen burning in those liquid brown pools. He could still picture her as she turned to glare at him in anger. How her soft lips opened in surprise when their eyes met, producing an instant magnetism. How her breathing became shallow and her skin flushed with heat. If only she hadn’t been so nervous, so innocent, so unworldly, he would have pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless. The desire had been almost overwhelming. No one had affected him so strongly in years. Or had anyone ever affected him like that?

Two weeks, and she would be in New York. Living in his apartment building. Working with him every day. But he would have to court her carefully. She seemed fragile. Not her personality, for she was strong and confident. In fact, she might be a bit too confident. He chuckled at the memory of her outbursts. But he could tell she was frightened by her attraction for him.

Then an alarming thought came to his mind. What if he was wrong? What if he’d misinterpreted her reactions? What if she was trembling with repulsion instead of passion? Perhaps he was too aggressive for her.

No… No, he was certain he’d been correct. She’d felt the same attraction he had. But he was sure she’d deny it, hide it, and tamp it down. Yes, he would have to play the game carefully, but he was confident he would win. He always won.

“What are you smiling about?” Alicia asked him.

With a start, he realized the speech was over. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I asked what you were smiling about. You were staring at me.” She leaned in close to him, intentionally allowing him a closer view of her décolletage. “I’m hoping you were thinking about what might come after dinner tonight.” She smiled suggestively. “I’m still rising in the polls, and I feel like celebrating.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to call it an evening early tonight. I have a really long training run planned for tomorrow morning.”

She let her lower lip push outward. “But surely you could do that later in the day. Besides, I think I could give you a real workout. You might not need that run in the morning.”

“Alicia. It’s an enticing offer. But—”

“You’re not interested, are you? You’re not interested at all!” Her eyebrows flew up. “Something’s changed since last Saturday. Who is she?”

“What? Nobody—there’s no one else.”

“I don’t believe you. Last week you were beginning to warm up to the idea. Either someone has told you some lie about me, or you’ve met someone.”

“No, really. Nothing’s changed. I’m just tired.”

“Just tired? Really?” Her voice was full of doubt. “Then we’re on for next weekend?”

“Uhmm... No. I think I’ll go back to being single. You can play it however you want to the press.”

“I think I’ll just tell them the truth,” she said.

“What’s that?” he asked, warily.

“That I couldn’t stay with you when I knew you were in love with someone else.”

“I’m not in love with her. I only just met her.”

“Ahhh,” Alicia said, smiling smugly. “I knew it.”

He covered his face with his hands, groaning at his indiscretion, but Alicia laughed.

“Don’t worry, Steven. Your secret’s safe with me. I owe you one. I got a free boost in my ratings, even though you did a number on my ego.”