“Did you invite him?” Josh points toward the house and my mouth drops open. Standing there with gift in one hand and holding his wife’s with the other is Bronx. And my mother is gushing over him.

“Well this just got interesting.”

There are a lot of things I can take in life, but Bronx Taylor showing up at my reception at my in-laws’ house is too much to take. At one time in our lives we got along. We are competitive actors vying for the same roles. I used to consider him a friend, not in the sense that we were hanging out, but in the way where we’d grab a beer after an audition or chat when we ran into each other … until Jules got in the middle. I blame her, mostly, but his quickly earned reputation of sleeping with casting directors, producers, and directors didn’t help his cause. Once he set his eyes on Jules, our so-called friendship went downhill fast.

That’s when I learned that having friends in this business was tricky. Sure I trust Rob, but that doesn’t mean I’m divulging my secrets to him. I keep a lot of my shit bottled up because I don’t want him slipping up one night or using something I tell him to his advantage. Not that I think he would, but it’s better safe than sorry.

When Bronx entered the house and Joey went all googly-eyed, I started to think she was nothing more than a fan girl gone crazy and wondered if I should second-guess everything, but when he spoke to her that wonderment turned to pure jealousy. They knew each other and it seemed better than Joey and I knew each other. I hated that. Still do. To make matters worse, he fucking stole her from me after the show. He knew damn well that all he had to do was open the door and I would’ve come out, but he just had to play the hero.

My blood boils as he and Rebekah talk to my in-laws. The way Ava puts her hand on his arm and throws her head back and laughs does nothing to calm me. I down the rest of my beer and mutter some obscenities meant for only Joey to hear, except when I look at her for a reaction—something from her to tell me I’m overreacting—I see her eyes are focused elsewhere. I try to follow her gaze, looking in the general direction as to what has my wife so upset, and that is when I see him. The man I want to thank for being so fucking stupid as to cheat on Joey so I could have her. He’s getting a damn pat on the back for being a spineless piece of shit.

Another glance at Joey shows me that she’s equal parts angry and upset and that’s something I can’t tolerate. This is supposed to be a happy day for her, not one filled with drama and bullshit from exes.

“Hey,” I say, trying to get her attention. When she turns her head to look at me, it’s her eyes that tell me she’s about to fall apart and it’s because of my sexual prowess. I do what any self-preserving man would do and kiss her. It’s not chaste by any means. I make sure the onlookers see me putting my tongue in her mouth so they know she’s fucking mine.

“What was that for?” she asks, breathlessly and with fluttering eyes.

“One: I don’t need an excuse to kiss my wife. Two: because you’re beautiful. Three: because I fucking love you.”

“Is there a four, five, and six?”

“Are you being greedy?”

“Yes, because I’m freaking out on the inside. I’m afraid that my fairytale is turning into a nightmare and you’re going to vanish into the house with that wench over there.”

She says nothing about her ex, only her former best friend. Joey trusted her and her friend committed the worst possible betrayal. Taking her face between my hands, I make her focus on me.

“There isn’t a woman in this world that can make me leave you, Joey.”

“Even Jules?” she asks, catching me off guard. I thought I had squashed everything she’s been feeling about Jules, but apparently not. Maybe those thoughts will never go away. Sort

of like mine where Bronx is concerned.

“Especially Jules. What can I do to show you that I’m not going anywhere?”

“I don’t know, Josh. Every time I think things are the way they should be, shit like this happens. My ex is standing over there like he was invited and he brought her with him.”

“How do you think I feel with Bronx here?”

“I know,” she sighs. “We should go over and say hi.”

“To which evil?”

She shrugs. “I’ll say hi to Bronx and Rebekah, you go over to Tony and Erin.”

“Can I punch him?”

“Yep,” she replies, standing. I know she’s putting on a brave front for everyone when she really wants to go inside and hide. I don’t blame her because that is what I want to do right now. Instead of going toward her ex, I take her hand in mine and follow her to our former roommates. I’m promising myself that I’m going to be nice.

Bronx is the first to extend his hand toward me. I do the right thing and shake it, gripping it hard enough that he knows I won’t take any of his bullshit. I figure that while I can bury the hatchet, so to speak, for the day and let him enjoy the party, he still needs to know that he’s not going to get a chance to eat my cake.

“You guys, I’m so happy you’re here.” Joey hugs Rebekah first, making me happy that Bronx wasn’t her first choice. Maybe I’m worrying for nothing.

“When we heard about the party we couldn’t resist,” Bronx says, pulling my wife into his arms. Okay it’s a hug, but still …

“Thanks for coming,” I add, trying to be pleasant. “You look lovely as ever, Rebekah.”

“Thank you, Josh. I’m enjoying married life, that’s for sure.”