Joey laughs. “Not at all. You can easily carry me around the suite.”

“That’s because you’re usually attached to my dick and I don’t want to pull out.”

“Josh …” she warns. We tried the video sex thing the other day and I got caught jacking off by the production assistant. Apparently people don’t knock on set here and she caught me with my pants around my ankles, my hand moving fast up and down my shaft and my wife encouraging me via video chat. As if things couldn’t get any worse, the assistant didn’t even bother to leave the room, instead standing there in shock at what she was witnessing. Joey heard me yelling and she started yelling. It wasn’t good.

“I can always go into the bathroom,” I tell her, hoping she agrees. “Or you can get yourself off and I’ll watch.”

“You’ll just watch?”

I nod and she rolls her eyes.

“I don’t believe you.”

“You’re probably right. I can’t control myself when I’m with you.”

“Same here,” she says, taking a bite of whatever she’s eating. It stupidly makes me long to be that object. Shit, I think I need help. I’ve never been this attached to someone before. It can’t be healthy. I’d ask a friend or two, but most of mine are single, or getting divorced. I don’t want to know that these feelings I’m having will wear off, so maybe living in my magic bubble of bliss is what’s best for me.

I yawn and rub my hand down my face. The last thing I want to do is hang up with her, but sleep is a hot commodity when filming. The fresher I look, the better it is for me.

“Take a nap, Josh. I’ll be here when you get home.”

The word home hits hard. The fact that she’s calling our suite our home sends a jolt right to my heart. Maybe I’ve been worrying about nothing.

“I love you,” I tell her.

“I love you, too. Kick ass today.” She blows me a kiss that I return and we both hang up. As soon as I roll over and close my eyes the pounding on my door starts. I think about ignoring it, but the knocking becomes incessant.

“What?” I yell out, hoping that whoever is on the other side of the door will ask their question and go away. When they don’t say anything I close my eyes again, only for the knocking to start back up.

“You’re seriously pissing me off,” I yell as I get up. My trailer is small, taking only a few steps until I’m at the door. “What?” I shout as I fling it open, immediately regretting answering when I see who’s on the other side.

Jules stands there, shocked by my attitude. I don’t regret yelling at her because she shouldn’t even be here. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail, something I’ve never seen her do before, and it makes me wonder if she’s trying to emulate Joey’s look. She’s also lacking a lot of the make-up she usually wears. Aside from the hair and make-up, everything else is still Jules with ridiculous high heels and a trench coat. Red flags go off that whatever she’s wearing, or not wearing, under that coat needs to stay there.

“What do you want, Jules? I’m busy.” I stand in the doorway, blocking her view from seeing in the trailer. I want her to assume Joey is inside.

“Can I come in?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“We need to talk.”

“No we don’t. I’ve already told you, we’re done and I’ve moved on.” I’d flash her my wedding band, but I’ve taken it off for filming.

“I get that, Joshie, but we need to talk.” That’s when she opens her coat and everything around me stands still. Even being fully dressed there are things I can’t unsee and this is one of them. The Jules I’m used to is not standing in front of me. This new one is standing here with her normal skintight clothes on, but with the added feature of a protruding belly.

“Now can I come in?” she asks again, this time her voice is soft and pleading. I nod in shock and step aside, letting her walk into my rickety trailer. “I love what you’ve done to the place,” she says, laughing, as she walks around the square box. The trailer isn’t much, but while on set it’s mine. It serves as my sanctuary, a place where I can get away from it all.

Except now I want to run from it.

“Jules.” I try to get her attention, but her back is facing me. I’ve played this game with her before. She wants me to touch her, pull her to me, and beg her to tell me what’s bothering her. I won’t this time. I won’t do it.

After a minute, she gives up and turns to face me. I remain in my spot, near the door. If I need a quick escape this is my only option.

“Like I said, we need to talk.” Smiling, she rubs her hand over her belly. Everything from my throat to my stomach bounces, swells, and tries to rip through my body.

“I don’t see how that is any of my concern.” I nod toward her stomach.

“Oh, Josh, I think you know why I’m here.”