“Josh, put me down,” I demand as my grip on his shoulders becomes deadly. I close my eyes, fearing what is about to come. As soon as I hear the splashing, I brace myself by holding my breath.

If I’m expecting for him to launch into the water, I’m surely mistaken. Instead, he submerges both of us, never letting me go. The water envelops me and while it’s cold, being in his arms is all the warmth I need.

“You surprise me every day, Joshua.”

“Good, I don’t want to be predictable.”

We stay in each other’s arms, or within arms’ reach, splashing each other until other beachgoers arrive. It’s nice that they’re focused on their own tasks instead of looking at us. I know it’s only a matter of time before he’s recognized, but hopefully when it happens they will leave us alone.

When we finally head back to our cabana, strawberries and champagne have been delivered. The note on the platter reads, “Welcome, Newlyweds.”

“They know who you are,” I say to Josh as I hand him the note.

“No, they know who we are, Joey, and it’s time that you accept it. We’re a package deal. You spent three months on a television show, people recognize you now. Reality stars are big news. It’s not like you had little airtime or were only shown for five minutes of an hour-long show. With or without me, you’re recognizable.”

“Oh,” I say, unable to form a coherent sentence after his rant.

“You’re Joey Wilson. It’s time to embrace it.”

“So does that mean I get your credit card?” I start to laugh immediately after the words tumble out of my mouth. I didn’t mean it to sound like I want to spend his money. I don’t. I can earn my own and still plan to.

“Yes, but it will have your name on it. I’ve already ordered it.”

“You did? When?”

He motions for me to sit down, but instead of sitting across from him, I sit next to him so we can face each other.

“Before I asked you to marry me again.”

“What if I had said no?”

He shrugs and instead of answering right away, he gives me a glass of champagne and brings a strawberry to my lips. I bite, taking my time to push through the sweet fruit. Josh lets out an audible growl, causing me to laugh.

“Even if you had said no, I had no intention of filing the paperwork until we had a chance to spend some time together. I knew how you felt about me … hell, how you feel about us, and wanted to fight for a chance with you.”

I take a drink of the champagne, letting the cool bubbly liquid tickle its way down my throat. “I wouldn’t have spent your money.”

“I know, but it would’ve been there for you if you needed it.”

The fact that he did this isn’t lost on me. I know I’m entitled to his earnings—maybe not what he’s done prior to our marriage, but everything coming up—and knowing that makes me ill. I would never take advantage of him like that. If he were to file for divorce, as he originally planned early on, I would’ve been fine. Albeit, heartbroken.

“Do you want me to sign a pre-nup?”

Blanching at my question, he shakes his head. Josh downs his glass of champagne and finishes mine for me also. I want to balk, but the seriousness I see on his face tells me I shouldn’t say anything.

Josh kisses me; his cold tongue tastes fruity, and it’s very inviting. Before I realize what’s happening, we’re

on our sides with my leg between his and our lips moving aggressively against each other’s.

“What’s mine is yours. Tonight when we get back to the hotel, I’ll show you everything. You can see all my earnings, and what I have in the pipeline.”

“Josh, I don’t need to see all of that.”

“You’re my partner, Joey, and I’m going to want your opinion on scripts. Plus, you need to know how much to spend when looking for a house for us.”

“A house?”

He shrugs. “Or maybe a condo. I’m not too keen on the idea that I’ll be on location and you’ll be home, waiting for me. Selfishly, I’d rather have you in a hotel waiting for me to come back every night.”