I feel like I’ve failed her as a friend. I know she’s been going through a lot and maybe I should’ve set some time aside to chat with her more.

“I’m good, but morning sickness is kicking my ass.”

“I’m sorry, Millie. The baby is doing good though, right?”

She sighs. “Yeah, the baby is fine.”

“And Cole?”

This time there’s a long pause and my heart falls. I thought, out of all of us, that Cole and Millie would be the ones to make it. Hell, at this point I’m not even sure Josh and I will last a year. It’s shitty to think it, but something tells me that I need to always be on my toes where my marriage is concerned.

“He’s—” She doesn’t finish before a sob breaks out. I want to go to her, console her, but I don’t want to leave Josh.

“I’m sorry, Millie. I don’t know what else to say.”

“Do you think Josh could talk to him?”

“Yeah … I mean, I can ask him.” It’s not the answer I want to give, but she’s alone and pregnant. “He’s going to want to know what’s going on, though, and you haven’t exactly told me.”

She sniffles and I can hear tissues rustling in the background. “His mom … she hates me and I don’t know why. I’m a good person, Joey. I am, but she … she’s evil and has made my life a living hell. This past month I’ve done nothing but cry and I finally broke down and told Cole that he needs to decide if he wants to be in my life or if he’s going to let his mother dictate everything for him. He chose her. He told me that the show was a mistake and that he wished he never did it. It’s like she’s brainwashed him against me.”

Wow! I know at one point in my life I thought this, too, but never said it out loud to anyone. The day I heard Jules laughing in the room was the day I regretted everything. If it weren’t for Bronx, I would’ve run, but he convinced me to go through the media junket during the weeks after the show and to handle mine and Josh’s issues privately. Smartest thing I ever did. Not because it led me back to Josh, but because it didn’t tarnish any reputations.

“Millie, I don’t know what to say.”

“Me neither. I mean, it’s a good thing I can afford to have this baby on my own and I can still work, but I’m going to be regulated to a desk job until after I give birth.”

“Maybe she’s crooked.”


“His mother. Maybe she’s up to no good and that’s why she doesn’t like you. Think about it, Millie. You’re a police officer and most mothers would welcome a career woman into their home. Not only that, but Cole loves you and that alone would at least make her warm up to you. But to flat out dis you, and for Cole to take her side is fishy. I’d run a background check on her and see what you find.”

“Have you been watching a lot of television?”

“Yes,” I laugh. “I know what you’re thinking, but just humor me. I’ll still have Josh call Cole, but do this to entertain me. I’d rather think she’s an evil mastermind than to shun her unborn grandchild. As for Cole, she must be holding something over his head for him to choose her over you and the baby. I saw him in the house. Hell, we all did. That man was smitten from the word go, so there has to be something in the background.”

She sniffles and laughs at the same time. “You’re crazy.”

“I know. Plus, I’m bored out of my freaking mind here.”

“Do you stay in the hotel all day?”

Yes, but I don’t tell her that. “Sometimes. We’re near the beach and I go there often to read, but when it comes to exploring I wait for Josh. I want to share it with him. He thought he’d be around more, but his co-star has to go back to school or something so they shoot longer hours to accommodate her schedule.”

“And screw up your honeymoon?”

“Not necessarily. He’s in my arms each night. Exhausted or not, he’s at least holding me until he has to get up and go back to work.”

“Have you been on set? Is it magical?”

I can’t help but laugh and wonder if I should burst her bubble about Hollywood and their fake magic. I decide that under the circumstances she needs to continue to believe it. “Not yet, probably in the next few days.”

“I can’t wait to hear about it. Okay,” she says, sighing, “I’m going to look his mother up and see what she’s about. I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”

I clap my hands with excitement. “I’ll be waiting. Call me as soon as you find something! And when I see Josh tonight, I’ll ask him to call Cole.”

“Love you, Joey.”