“You’re absolutely correct, Lorna. I did all those things but I’m not liking myself too much for those actions. That’s not who I really am and I don’t want to be that way in the future but I do thank you for being my mirror so I could see myself.”

“Fine. Run back to St. Louis and Camille. I’m sure she’ll be waiting for you when she’s done playing her ‘hide-and-seek’ games. I’m going to New York after I have a little fun with Jace, if I can get him alone. Tonight he danced with some girl in boots and jeans…probably some hick from this two-bit town in this God-forsaken state. I’m betting I can make him forget her if that wretched Maggie doesn’t kill me first. She’s just upset because she wants to get in bed with him, too. And if your precious Camille is in this town and has met him, she’s probably in line, also.”

She turned and moved toward the door. “I’ll do my best to see to it that you never get a job in the investment industry, Will…in any state.” She left, slamming the door on her way out.

‘Well played, Will, ole boy. There goes your future employment and maybe enjoyment.’

He laughed at himself and the rhyme. ‘The only bright spot is your foresight in buying flight insurance when you purchased your ticket. Now you can stick around for a few days before rescheduling your return flight.’


Jace sat in his recliner still fully clothed. He didn’t even make an effort to remove his boots. Jake placed his head on his knee, asking for a little attention.

“I know, Jake, I’ve been pretty scarce around here lately, haven’t I?” He rubbed the dog’s head, saying, “I’m beginning to envy you. You’ve got a simple life, buddy. As long as I make sure you’re fed and watered, you have no worries…unlike me…who seems to continue to get myself mired in messes no matter what I do.”

‘You should go to bed, Jace. This has been the most exhausting, exhilarating and confusing day of your life. The rodeo was hard but women are harder.’

Although he was dead tired, sleep eluded him. He said a prayer of thanks for the successful night at The Branding Iron. It was more than he ever expected. ‘This praying is becoming a habit, Jace. What changed in your life that you suddenly feel comfortable talking to God again?

He didn’t know the answer but he knew a few things, even in his sleep-deprived state. He knew his heart skipped a beat when he heard Lorna’s voice but it almost did cartwheels when he was holding Dani in his arms and dancing with her. He also knew the line about promising her a dance was meant only to rescue him but it felt good anyway. He also knew he hadn’t made it to the bank to retrieve Emily’s check. He wanted to hand it back to her in person. Even though he no longer needed it, she needed to know how much he appreciated it. He wasn’t sure how he felt about seeing her there with Collier last night. He was going to talk to them but when he had a few free minutes, they were gone. It would have to wait until Monday; he knew she wasn’t going anywhere.


“So, how was the evening, Danielle?” her father asked as she came in the door.

She smiled. “You’re being nosy, Dad. What is it you really want to ask?”

“He wants to know if you danced with Jace,” Luke interjected into the conversation.

Still laughing, he asked, “Can I stay here another night?”

“Sure. Your grandparents are waiting for you, so go ask. Tell them it’s okay with us.”

Before he returned, Dani sighed. “Yes, I did dance one dance with him but he didn’t ask me…I asked him. I don’t know what to think or feel, Daddy. Tonight there was another woman there and she seemed pretty familiar with Jace, too. I don’t want to compete with one woman, let alone three of them.”


Collier and Camille sat on the deck, watching the stars for a while but eventually, retreated to the warmth of the house.

Removing her denim jacket, Camille told him, “Go back, Collier. Enjoy the rest of the evening. There’s no reason for you to stay here with me. I’m fine.”

“I know you’re fine, physically, Camille. Your sudden headache appeared wh

en the blond, over-dressed woman showed up and hugged Jace. It’s your emotional health I’m worried about.”

‘It’s time to tell him everything, Camille. He knows you’re hiding a lot of secrets and he’s been more than open and honest with you. If you genuinely care about him and you know you do, tell him the truth.’

She made them both a cup of peppermint tea. “I know you’re not a tea drinker, but this is soothing and you may need it soon.”

“Who was Miss Fancy Pants with the pearls and high heels, Camille?”

“Her name is Lorna and she’s a friend of Will’s. She lives in California and works for a brokerage firm. I knew if she saw me, she’d remember me. It’s hard to forget the face of the woman who found you horizontal on her living room couch. She and Will were having a ‘discussion’ apparently, when I walked in. I was introduced as Camille and although Will wasn’t with her at the bar tonight, I didn’t want her to see me. He probably wasn’t far behind since I believe she promised him a job or help with finding one.”

“Look, Collier, I have not been honest with you about a lot of things but I’ve grown to like…more than like…you and it’s only fair to tell you who I am and why I came to Montana.”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I think I’m falling in love with the Camille I know, or don’t know, possibly.”

“Don’t say that, Collier. You’ll change your mind. You knew I was Barbara’s daughter and my name was Camille before I even arrived. If you hadn’t, you would believe I was Emily, like everyone else does.”