“Honestly, I don’t know the answer to that. I did believe in God when I was your age and when I was a young adult. I went to Sunday School when I was a kid, learned the Bible stories and said my prayers about everything.”

“What happened to make you stop believing?”

“I prayed about a lot of things, Luke. I prayed my mom would come back, then after I got hurt, I asked God to let me walk normal again. It seemed God wasn’t listening so I stopped asking.”

“God always hears our prayers but sometimes, he chooses a different answer than the one we’re asking for. You said you never gave up when you wanted to walk again so why did you give up so easily when you didn’t get what you wanted from God?”

Jace had no answer but he told Luke, “I think you should forget about the rodeo, Son, and become an evangelist instead.”


CAMILLE CHECKED HER image in the mirror and nodded. She thought she looked put together for her first official date with Jace. She had chosen a dress with red accents which seemed to be begging for her red heels. She had grown fond of the jeans and boots look but tonight she would show him another side of her. She tapped her foot on the floor until she realized she was doing it again. ‘What are you nervous about? Just because he’s a particularly handsome man who also happens to be fourteen years younger than you…why should that make you nervous?’ She laughed at her thoughts. She was nervous but this is what she wanted to write the column about. This is what she came here for. Maybe they didn’t meet online but the readers would assume they had. The same concerns about the age difference were there regardless of where they met.

He was right on time and looked good enough to eat. That was an old saying and she had to remember tonight not to say things that would age her. This could be an interesting night but she was ready for it. ‘Bring it on, Jace Matthews.’

He took her to a nice restaurant in a newer part of town. She asked him to explain the Old Bozeman and New Bozeman concept Collier had mentioned. Jace said basically the same thing Collier had. There were some people who resented any changes, even good ones but for the most part, everyone got along and they had one thing in common. They all loved the town and Montana…well, almost all of them. He described Blakely, who didn’t love anything but money.

“You wouldn’t sell him the bar, would you?”

“Not if I can help it, I won’t.” Jace told her about Cal’s offer to have a band for two consecutive weekends.

“I haven’t given him my answer yet. I’d like nothing better and I believe with the right amount of advertising, it might just be the answer to my prayers.” ‘Really, Jace? When did you pray about it?’

“So, what’s stopping you? Go for it. Tell your friend to tell the band to ‘come on down’ or ‘come on over’ I guess would be the right term if I know my geography.”

“Truthfully, I don’t have the kind of money it would take to pay them. The second weekend I might be able to pay with the first weekend receipts but I can’t afford the initial payment.”

“That’s unfortunate. I want your bar to succeed and I definitely don’t want anyone to buy it out from under you. How about a loan?”

“I don’t think the bank is going to consider me a good risk.”

“Sort of like throwing good money after bad, huh?” ‘You just did it again, Camille. He’s probably never heard that saying. Stop it!’

“Actually, I meant I would loan you the money, Jace.”

“I couldn’t let you do that, Emily. You don’t even know me. We’ve just met and…no, no, that wouldn’t work.”

“Sure it would. I have it and you need it. It’s as simple as that. If it makes you feel any better, we could write something up but I’m good with just a handshake, if you are.”

“Let me think about it until tomorrow. I don’t feel right about it.”

“Please don’t tell me you have some antiquated notion that says you can’t take money from a woman. I’ll bet you’d jump on the offer if it came from a man.”

“Guilty as charged,” he told her.

They continued their discussion of many topics and ended the evening with a walk around some of the picturesque streets. He took her home and walked her to the door.

“Would you like to come in for a minute? I have wine, beer or soft drinks. What’s your pleasure?”

“I’ll take a beer and then I have to go. Chores to do in the morning.”

He toyed with the drops on the outside of his glass for a while and then asked, “Emily, can you tell me about the man in the bar last night? I don’t want to pry but he certainly irritated you and despite what you said to the contrary, I believe he frightened you, too. At least, a little.”

She took a swallow of wine and started to tell him a few things about Will. “I was married to him once upon a time, Jace. Many years ago. We were both in college although I graduated before him…I’m six years older than him.” She smiled a rather seductive smile, pulled him to his feet and said, “I guess I’ve always been attracted to younger men.”

He put his arms around her and pulled her to him. She smelled wonderful but the scent was light, not overpowering. She felt good in his arms and her lips were soft and warm when he kissed her. ‘Maybe you haven’t forgotten what it’s like to hold a woman, Jace.’

When he finally left, he had agreed to her offer of a loan for the band. They sealed the deal with more than a handshake but less than spending the night together.