My head was cradled in someone’s lap. Something soft was beneath my back, the warmth of a heavy blanket lured me into a sense of calm. Inhaling, the smells of the Bay flowed into my lungs.

A sob caught in my throat and a soft hushing sound came from above me. I didn’t look at him, I couldn’t. Someone else knelt next to me. I recognized the jacket and forced my head to turn, needing to be sure.

I hadn’t wanted to accept it was his voice soothing me on that altar, but when he covered my mouth so I couldn’t scream, I had no choice but to believe.

Kyle’s easy-going smile filled my vision. “It’s okay, Del. It’s over now. You and Isa are safe.”

Isa was, okay? Where was she? I tried to speak but nothing came out.

“You won’t be able to speak yet, give it another ten minutes for the drugs to wear off.” This came from Draven, his voice directly above me. It was his lap my head was cradled on.

“Here, I want you to see this?” He gently lifted me into a sitting position, keeping the blanket snug around my aching body.

I realized I’d been dressed in nothing more than a large shirt. If I had to guess I knew it would be his.

Whatever was carved into my forehead was now covered by what felt like a large bandage. We were on a boat, not the Baal, we’d dined on just some hours ago. This was bigger—more industrialized than luxurious.

Going through the fog that danced down the center of the lake, I stared straight ahead at the lighthouse in the far distance. From my vantage point, it seemed to be protruding from a massive piece of land surrounded by water.

“Do you know what that is?” Draven asked.

Hell. I thought to myself as he answered his own question with, “Home.” He kissed my temple and wrapped me in a tighter embrace. “We call it, Stygian Isle.”

If I could’ve moved, I would have taken my chances right then and dove right off this fucking boat.

I knew without a doubt, drowning at the bottom of the lake would be better than whatever awaited me where we were going.

All I could do was watch as we got closer to his idea of home, and further away from the one I and my sister would never see again.

They say the devil disguises himself as an angel, masquerading as all you’ve ever wanted. I had never been a believer until tonight.

Draven Alistair wore his mask well, but there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.