Draven brought the second eyeball to his mouth, dragging his tongue over it before lowering it and shoving it into Dennis’s mouth and forcing him to eat it, his gaze finding mine as he did. The churning in my stomach became too aggressive, bile burned as it traveled up my throat, expelling over the side of the alter as I leaned over.

The men beside me forced me back into a sitting position, one wiping my mouth with a white cloth already on hand. They kept hold of me, making me watch on as silent tears trailed down my cheeks.

Chants grew louder. The blade Draven used to remove Dennis’ eyes so casually dragged across his throat to put him out of his misery. His naked body slowly slumped to the floor, his blood pooling inside the Sigil etched into the marble.

Draven began speaking again, louder now to be heard over the voices filling the air, his bloody hand moving in sync with whatever he was saying.

When Troy was dragged forward next his entire body convulsed with sobs. He was positioned nearly on top of Dennis’ body, forced to stand instead of kneeling.

Draven said a few more words before proclaiming in English, “For coveting what was not his to covet, we take the genitals.”

Draven reached down and grabbed hold of Troy’s cock. I was selfishly grateful I couldn’t see him full frontal. When the blade began to slice into the side of his penis, I squeezed my eyes shut.

I had never heard a man, make the kind of sounds Troy did. When he fell silent, I dared to look, almost relieved he’d passed out. I didn’t like him, but I wouldn’t dare wish this kind of fate upon anyone.

My relief lasted only long as it took me to realize he wasn’t passed out, but already dead. Draven had slit his throat immediately after cutting off his cock. The sound of him choking on his own blood was covered by the people excitedly watching this all occur.

“It had to be done.” The voice behind me explained, their tone was still soothing and gentle.

Draven looked right at me again as he began once more speaking to his people. I opened my mouth to beg, plead, say something to stop this but a slight nod of his head had a tattooed hand covering my mouth and the two robed men taking hold of my arms.

Jessica screeched, kicking, and screaming when she was grabbed next, dark hair flying wildly around her face.

Icy terror sunk its claws into my chest, sweat dribbled down my back, dotting my brow. I struggled to the point it felt my bones would pop out of place from the pressure.

I hardly heard what Draven said beneath the roaring my ears, watching in horror as he shoved his knife into Jessica’s lower stomach. I screamed, the sound muffled by the hand still clamped over my mouth and the deafening chants now filling the Rothwell.

He turned his head to watch me, his eyes boring into mine, a sadistic smile on his face as he dragged the blade straight up. He sliced through muscle and flesh, leaving some of Jessica’s insides to spill out of her.

Her body seized, dropping to the floor in convulsions.

He didn’t bother granting her the same mercy he had Dennis and Troy, leaving her to feel every minute of her agonizing death. He handed his blade to Corbin, trading him for the chalet that had been filled with the blood of the three corpses now littering the floor.

Stained with crimson and cock standing erect, he slowly made his way back to me, smile going from sadistic to predatory. I was forced down by the men at my side the one at my back having disappeared altogether.

Once I was positioned flat on the altar, Draven began speaking again. I couldn’t focus on anything he said, flinching when a pair of scissors appeared and began to cut the gown from my body. With nothing underneath my skin pebbled from the cool air, but I never felt the cold.

I blinked and he was at my side, the palm of his hand flat on my stomach, burning my flesh with his touch.

He glanced down at me with an almost tender look in his eyes before addressing the room again.

“In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi!”

The men pinning my wrists tightened their grip. Draven leaned low and whispered in my ear, “This is the part where you scream.”

My body began trembling, breaths coming in choked rasps as the icy terror that had been clawing at my chest seeped into my veins. Standing straight once more, he started to speak more satanic bullshit. “We call upon the element of blood to serve us, for we are Leviathan!”

Corbin brought the tip of the blade down to the center of my forehead, rubbing my hair almost affectionately as he began to carve, piercing my flesh as easily as Draven had done my friends.