Rayne tucked that information away to share with Caelan. It was a possible lead, though it felt thin. Of course, they didn’t have much to go on as it was, so any lead was valuable.

“But that’s just local legend and superstition. I’ll do some checking and if I learn anything, I’ll send a message to you before eleven,” Yash said lightly. As she finished speaking, her expression hardened and lost the playfulness he’d seen since she’d walked in the door. “But if we’re assisting you, I’m assuming that this means you’re offering some assistance in payment.”

“The King of Erya refuses to be involved in any plot against the leader of another country. Erya has no grievances with Zastrad and its leadership,” Rayne answered formally.

A heavy silence fell over the table and seconds ticked by. Boisterous laughter filled the room and somewhere a glass broke followed by some embarrassed laughter. Rayne didn’t move a muscle as he held Yash’s hard gaze.

At long last, she lifted one arched eyebrow at him. “And yet, you continue to sit here.”


A slow, wolfish grin spread across Yash’s plum-colored lips. “I knew I liked you.”

The implication was clear. Caelan could not and would not be involved in the assassination of the High Luminance, but that didn’t mean one of his agents couldn’t be. She didn’t even need to know if Caelan was aware of the deadly plan. Kamal Giri had his blade in the darkness and that was all that mattered.

“I’m sure you understand that if you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, King Caelan and his entire party will not leave Mrtyu. Kamal promises you that.”

“Of course.” That was a problem they would deal with after Caelan woke the Dead God as instructed by the Goddess of Life. Considering how things had gone following Caelan’s meetings with Kaes and Tula, Rayne was expecting utter chaos when it came to dealing with Nyx.

Right now, Rayne’s only concern was getting Caelan to his ultimate destination before the god and goddess became restless.

“Since we are discussing matters, I would like to press again that the drug trade to Caspagir stops immediately. Not a steady dwindling over years,” Rayne pressed. “Erya is more than happy to expand trade with Zastrad. We have diplomats waiting to start negotiations.”

“Yes, but negotiations take time. An immediate stop means cutting off our means of buying foreign goods to bring into Zastrad for our people.”

Rayne barely suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. She made it sound like he was keeping Kamal from bringing in life-saving medicines rather than smartphones, high-end clothing, and Caspagir chocolates. No one was going to die if they couldn’t get their Ilon cashmere sweater.

“Have you considered pitching Kiss of Death to the New Rosanthe army as an enhancement drug?” Rayne offered.

Yes, it was evil of him, but he couldn’t make himself regret the words. Not after learning about the hundreds who were killed in the attack on Stormbreak or seeing the blood-soaked crystal room in the Tower. Caelan’s cries of pain at the loss of his mother still echoed in his ears. New Rosanthe had to be made to pay for their crimes.

Yash’s light, tinkling laughter was back. “Oh, you wonderful, wicked man. I like that idea. I’ll see what we can do. But yes, I’ll make sure the stream to Caspagir is turned off. We want trade agreements with Queen Noemi as well, and it will only benefit Kamal if he can say that he’s responsible for the stop of the trade. And of course, King Caelan Talos will support his claim.”

Rayne nodded. He’d expected as much.

Yash picked up her glass of wine and took a delicate sip, her eyes watching him. Rayne could almost hear the calculations in her mind as she ordered her next words. “Since we are getting along so well, I thought I should let you know that we are familiar with the woman who is traveling with your party.”

“Our guide,” Rayne replied.

“The little Caspagir spy,” Yash corrected, her voice hardening.

Rayne matched her tone. “Caspagir isn’t a fan of their people dying from KoD.”

Yash placed her drink on the table and gave a small wave of her hand as if what he’d said was inconsequential. There was no point in arguing death and the value of life with someone from Zastrad. Everyone was destined for the Dead God in their eyes. “She’s caused us endless problems. We will allow you to take her with you to Mrtyu, but I promise, she will not leave the mountain again.”

“She will be sent directly to Caspagir from Temit. She goes no farther with us on this journey,” Rayne promised.

The woman didn’t comment for several seconds. She stared off toward the raucous people around the bar, drinking and swaying to the music that was playing. Rayne had the feeling that Vale’s life was being weighed on the scales of her mind. He could understand Kamal’s and Yash’s desire to get rid of someone who had cost them money and men.