“Thank you, Your—” Caelan cut off the title by giving Rayne’s shoulder a little shove as he released him. “Thank you, Cael,” Rayne corrected.

“So, we’re relying on the High Luminance extending an invite up to the holy city?” Drayce said.

“That or Plan B,” Eno offered.

Rayne loudly sighed and dropped back down in his seat. “Do I want to ask what Plan B is?”

Caelan bit his lower lip to fight back a smile. His advisor seemed a little more relaxed now that they’d settled the murder plot in regard to the High Luminance. Rayne’s priority was always the protection of Erya, but it was becoming evident to Caelan that his advisor might be open to some darker plans against perceived enemies if it was all done in the name of keeping Erya safe. When this trek was finally over, he needed to make sure he set some boundaries for Rayne. He had no doubt in his mind that Rayne would listen to his wishes, but he didn’t want to leave any gray area for the man.

Eno lifted one hand and counted off on his fingers, “Stealth, distraction, explosions to get through the gate and on the road up the mountain.”

“Now we’re talking!” Drayce exclaimed with a laugh. He suddenly winced and covered his mouth as he glanced over at Vale. The woman continued to snore, oblivious to what they were discussing.

Caelan smiled and shook his head at Drayce. “She won’t wake until I command her to wake.” He turned his attention toward Eno. “There is a shortage of trucks filled with gas for you to explode here.”

Eno shrugged, looking completely unperturbed. “We’ll improvise.”

Rayne rolled his eyes. “Let’s put aside plans for blowing through the gate for now. If the High Luminance honors Caelan’s request, we have a peaceful way into the city. The important thing is to not add to the list of people who are trying to kill us.” He aimed his frown at Caelan. “It’s enough that you’ve had an encounter with Safa, but once Yash is told that we have no intention of killing the High Luminance, I would imagine that Kamal Giri would very much prefer if we are dead so we can’t tell the High Luminance of his plans.”

“Well, it was getting pretty boring with only the Empire trying to kill us,” Drayce said around a yawn. He stretched his arms above his head as if he were getting too tired to keep his eyes open.

Caelan ignored him. Rayne had brought up a potentially dangerous problem. If the High Luminance did come through and they told Yash they weren’t going to help, Yash and her people could try to kill them. Or worse…Yash could help Safa get up the mountain as well.

“Rayne…” Caelan started, but he paused again, not quite sure how to phrase the tangle in his head.

“I could have another, more private meeting with Yash,” his advisor suggested.

“I don’t like it,” Eno immediately growled.

Caelan held up his hand, halting any further disagreement from his bodyguard. He had a feeling the man’s unease came from both as a man focused on protection and worry from a concerned boyfriend. Caelan didn’t like the idea of Rayne meeting with her alone either, but it could buy them some time. “What are your thoughts on Yash?”

Rayne’s pale lips pursed and his eyes grew somewhat unfocused as he seemed to access his computer-like brain and compile all the information he had on Yash Magar. “Smart, resourceful, logical, and crafty. She surrounds herself in material wealth, unlike many of the people of Temit. She is accustomed to luxury and comfort, but I don’t think that has made her soft. I think there is a cunning ruthlessness to her that has enabled her to attain this position in life. I don’t think she is one to waste a good opportunity, and she knows how to take calculated risks. Suggesting the murder of the High Luminance to just me was risky, but within seconds, she read that out of the three of us, I would be the only one willing to hear her out. She knew how to couch it in the most palatable terms.”

“And you think you’ll be able to work something out with her? You are positive that you can meet and get out alive?”

“Yes, and I won’t make any promises in your name that you wouldn’t agree to.”

Caelan pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes. That did not make any of this better. His stomach roiled as his brain conjured up some ugly things that Rayne might cook up and agree to.

“I would never do anything to sully your name or the honor of Erya,” Rayne said with a cold resoluteness.

Caelan lowered his hand and frowned at the man who was more brother to him than advisor. “I worry about your own honor, life, and soul, Rayne. Please remember that I value those as highly as I value Erya.”