Or maybe they did appreciate it because they saw their time as so fleeting.

It took four tries to find someone in black robes who could speak anything other than Zastari and even then, the young man seemed reluctant to seek out the High Aspect for them. They were left to wait in the silence of the church among the gleaming wooden pews that all faced a marble altar and lectern. Long black-and-purple pendants hung down from the ceiling around the altar with the image of the crystal emblazoned on them.

Eno’s eyes still snagged on the fractured image even after seeing it so many times since coming to Zastrad. The idea of a godstone being broken ripped at his heart. What if the same had happened to the Life Stone? It was the very core of the Erya people. What would it do to them if something happened to their goddess?

He tore his gaze away and continued to scan the area as Caelan patiently waited for the return of the priest. People might give them a quick, curious glance, but none of the Zastrian worshipers lingered or tried to approach them. He wasn’t sure if they lacked the same innate nosiness that he’d run across in Erya or even Caspagir or if it was that they were in the church that left them reluctant to linger.

After several minutes, the priest returned at a brisk walk and waved for them to follow him deeper into the church. They left behind the main area of worship and dove into the twisting warren of narrow stairways and dark hallways until they reached a pair of wooden double doors on the third floor. The priest pushed them both open and gave a small bow as he gestured for them to enter. It was the first bow the King of Erya had been given since arriving in Zastrad.

Eno wasn’t the only one to notice; Caelan tossed him a little smirk over his shoulder as he entered the large room. Not that he suspected Caelan was offended by the lack of courtesy he’d been shown. No, just amused.

The office of the High Aspect was definitely more of what Eno expected for someone of his station within the church and government. The room took up the majority of the back of the building with large windows that offered a perfect view of the mountain upon which Mrtyu and the godstone sat. A large, dark-wood desk rested in front of one set of windows, as if the High Aspect needed to constantly be in sight of what he was serving or guarding.

Colorful, thick rugs covered the stone floors, muffling their steps as they passed between a sofa and chair setting to the left and a large conference table made of gleaming rosewood to the right. An older man with a heavily wrinkled face dressed in deep-purple robes pushed to his feet and moved slowly around the desk.

Eno clamped down on his own reaction. The man was old. He was actually the first truly old person he’d seen since arriving in Zastrad, and he hadn’t even noticed they were missing from the population. Until this moment, he’d not realized that everyone he’d seen in his travels through Temit was in their early forties at most or younger.

But the High Aspect appeared to be at least in his seventies. That was…odd.

As they crossed to greet the leader, Caelan slowed up a step and sniffed the air. He turned his head to the left and then the right, sniffing as though he were trying to track a scent hanging on the air. Eno did the same, but he didn’t pick up anything out of the ordinary. The air in the office was crisp and clean—not even a hint of incense. Maybe a faint hint of lemon from a cleaning agent.

Caelan held his hand out in front of him, rubbing his thumb and two fingers together as if feeling something, but he dropped them to his side and smiled as he met the High Aspect in front of his desk.

“Greetings, King Caelan Talos of Erya,” the High Aspect said in friendly tones.

“It is an honor to meet you, Your Grace,” Caelan smoothly returned with a small bow of his head.

“You are a very long way from home, Your Majesty,” the High Aspect said with a small, wry smile that added a few more wrinkles to his face. “Why don’t we sit and chat about the reason for this trip.”

Eno dropped back to follow at a comfortable distance as the two leaders moved to the sofa and chair. He took up a position behind Caelan on a thick cushioned couch, his hands resting behind him while his eyes continued to move steadily around the room. Yes, he made it appear as if he weren’t paying attention to the conversation, but he listened closely in hopes of being able to help both Rayne and Caelan later when they met up.