“I had an apartment.” Vale offered him a small grin. “Nothing big or flashy like living in the Royal Towers. Just a one-bedroom place with a tiny balcony that looked out at the bay. The light was just right during the summer to grow Sirelis Blue Lilies in a pot. The backsplash in the kitchen was done in the best yellow and blue tile. The prince said he’d keep our homes for us while we were gone, but it’s been so long…”

“The apartment is still there waiting for you. Prince Shey doesn’t strike me as someone who would go back on his word. It’ll be there for you when this is finally over. You’ve got to be close now.”

Vale nodded, but she didn’t seem to be listening to him. “Stupid thing to miss. Yellow and blue tile. The place was always cold in the winter. Floors creaked. Bathroom faucet dripped.” But even as she complained, each word held a note of love. She was homesick, and Eno couldn’t blame her.

The woman beside him cleared her throat and sat up a little straighter in the saddle. “Even if you’ve got a nice place and regular schedule, it’s still a glorified babysitting gig.” She smirked at him and waved one hand out toward the vast valley that had come into view.

It was an awe-inspiring sight. The sun was creeping over the jagged peaks of the mountains, pushing at the shadows. Early morning mist was settled low in the valley, the tendrils shrinking from those golden rays of light, revealing rare, lush greenery and a meandering stream that gently rushed over worn stones on its way down the mountain. It was an oasis from the death and rocks that had surrounded them on the journey so far, almost like a dream.

“Being out on an assignment means freedom, adventure, living on the edge,” Vale said, her tone barely more than a whisper caught on the wind. “No babysitting.”

Eno laughed. “Caelan does not need babysitting. He’s more than capable of protecting himself.” Particularly now that he was connected to two gods.

Vale made a dismissive noise. “I wasn’t talking about the king. I was referring to that advisor of his.”

A loud bark of laughter jumped from Eno’s throat, and he tipped his head back, letting the sound bound across the valley. “Rayne might be out of his element in the wilds of Zastrad, but he is plenty capable of taking care of himself.”

His companion didn’t look convinced in the least, and Eno was happy to leave it at that. There would be ample opportunity in the future for Rayne to show exactly how lethal and capable he could be. Besides, if Vale was never convinced, what did it really matter? He knew his Rayne through and through, loved everything about him. Vale’s dismissal of the man meant nothing to him.

As they reached the flat field, they tied the horses near a small stand of trees and brush and grabbed the gear they needed. Eno glanced over and smiled to see Vale stringing a bow and strapping a quiver to her hip.

“Bow hunting, huh? You’re that good?”

She smirked at him over her shoulder. “Gunshots carry in the mountains. You shoot and miss?” She paused and shook her head. “We won’t see anything for the rest of the day.”

“Got it.” Just to be safe, he did shoulder the rifle he’d snagged off Drayce for added protection in case they found something besides wildlife.

“You want the crossbow?” She jerked her head to the small crossbow strapped to her saddle.

“Sure. Not my strong suit, but I can manage.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll help you fix that while you’re here.” She winked at him as her hands moved to the crossbow.

A familiar warmth drifted through him when it finally dawned on him that she was most definitely flirting with him. Had she been doing this earlier and he not noticed? Shit, was this why Rayne seemed to be extremely grumpy toward Vale? It was almost laughable. Rayne had nothing to worry about.

Okay, maybe Vale would have been someone he would have encouraged a few years ago when he was single and didn’t have to worry about New Rosanthe and sleeping gods. She was an adorable spitfire. Short and curvy, she was a compact hurricane of energy and determination. Who wouldn’t find that attractive?

But none of that mattered anymore because he had exactly what he wanted. Rayne Laurent. No one could hold a candle to that man. Rayne was his everything. Even when he was pissy and jealous.

It was on the tip of his tongue to say…what exactly? That he was seeing someone? That he was dating the king’s advisor? Of course, then he’d have to explain why she had to keep that quiet because it was better if Caelan didn’t know that his advisor and bodyguard were sleeping together.