“But I can’t feel Nyx!” Caelan shouted.

“I’m not discounting that, Your Majesty.” Caelan straightened at the use of his title, his shoulders going back a little and chin tilting up, as if it were the verbal shake he’d needed to get a handle on his emotions.

Rayne’s expression softened fractionally, and he lowered his hands. “We don’t know what to expect with the Dead God, and I gather Tula and Kaes aren’t providing you with any useful information. However, you do have a meeting with the High Luminance tomorrow where the main purpose is to gain access to the godstone. Tomorrow is for gathering information. Tonight, we rest, regain our strength, and strategize some options for moving forward.”

Caelan exhaled loudly as he grabbed his left hand and started rubbing it. A tremble shook his fingers, but his shoulders looked more relaxed. “You’re right. It just surprised me after Sirelis. I thought I’d feel something.”

“We’ll learn more tomorrow,” Rayne repeated, sounding as if he could see the future. Thank the gods for his confidence, or at least his ability to sound confident. When he lifted his eyes to Eno, there was no missing the worry in those jade green depths, but Eno ignored it and returned the weary smile. Rayne didn’t need to know his façade was cracking. That would be for later when they were alone.

“I’ll finish checking the place. Save me some food,” Eno called out as he headed for the stairs again.

They were close to the end.

They had to be.


Caelan Talos

Santoshi was true to her word and picked him up precisely at eleven for his meeting with the High Luminance. His companions were less than thrilled to learn that he would be attending this meeting alone. Rayne hadn’t seemed particularly surprised, though maybe a bit disappointed. Eno and Drayce were pissed.

For her part, Santoshi seemed genuinely confused by the idea that a king wasn’t permitted to travel without protection.

Caelan did what he could to smooth over the awkward moment and sent his friends out to tour Mrtyu while he was in his meeting, inwardly praying to whatever god was willing to listen to him for them to remain out of trouble.

Kaes snickered at him.

Yeah, the God of Storms would not be Caelan’s first choice for keeping Drayce out of mischief.

The home of the High Luminance was spacious and open, with all the floors and walls shades of white and cream. Soft gold accents danced here and there as if carried on a light breeze. His boots were heavy thuds on the pristine marble floors as he followed behind Santoshi’s whisper-soft steps.

As they crossed the long hallways flooded with natural light, they passed only a handful of other people similarly dressed in white robes. They would bow their heads and hurry on their way, but their eyes followed him as he passed. He could feel it. But at least they seemed to be only curious stares.

“Is only the High Luminance in residence here?” Caelan asked as they turned down yet another long hallway. “I’m still getting a handle on Zastrad’s governing structure.”

“Yes, this is the residence of only the High Luminance, but our other leaders are here frequently for meetings and guidance. The High Aspect ascends to Mrtyu once a month for meetings and meditation with the High Luminance. The High Arcanist and High Guardian are here weekly.”

“The High Guardian?” That was a title he’d yet to hear before.

Santoshi nodded. “The duty of the High Guardian is the protection of Mrtyu and the High Luminance.”

Logical, and quite possibly the person he needed to speak with if the High Luminance was to be protected from the schemes of Kamal Giri.

Any additional questions were put on hold as they turned a corner and stepped through a wide doorway into a surprisingly small room overflowing with pillows, bundles of various colored wool, and a giant wooden frame that held a tapestry. This was also the first room where the lighting was a little low, making it harder for Caelan to spot the small figure seated in front of the tapestry.

“Your Excellency, may I introduce His Majesty, King Caelan Talos of Erya,” Santoshi greeted just a few feet into the room.

Caelan stopped and searched for another person, but there was only the childlike figure moving a long silver needle in and out of the tapestry. Was…was that the High Luminance? A child? A child ruled all of Zastrad?

A soft giggle filled the air, and a small hand stretched out in Caelan’s general direction. “Thank you, Santoshi. Come in, King Caelan, and let us speak of many things.”

Santoshi smiled broadly at him as if just hearing her name on the lips of the High Luminance was the greatest thing of her life. She bowed quickly and retreated out of the room before disappearing down the hall again.