I rubbed my hand back and forth over his bare ass, making him wiggle his hips and press his dick harder into my leg.

“Remind me why you need to be punished.”

“What? I…”

I squeezed his ass hard, and he yelped.

“You told me not to… not to touch myself, and I… I did it anyway. I didn’t think I could wait. You’re so…”

I didn’t let him finish. Instead, I brought my hand down hard on his ass. He cried out and struggled, but I used my other hand to keep him pinned against me. “Relax, and it will be easier to take.”

“How can I—”

I slapped his ass again and didn’t let up. He needed to know I was going to keep going. I was sure he could take it, but he needed to prove that to himself.



I fisted my hands in the covers, yanking and pulling at them as I struggled. Beau believed I could take this, but I wasn’t sure. All my instincts told me to fight instead of giving in to him. Yet somehow, even though it hurt, it felt so good, so right.

“Breathe, baby.”

I was trying to, but everything seemed so overwhelming. I didn’t feel in control of anything, and that was scary as hell. Even in the dangerous situations I’d faced before, I believed I could make them turn out fine. Right then, I didn’t know if I could do what Beau wanted me to.

How was I supposed to relax? Why was part of me enjoying it? If I enjoyed it, was it really punishment? Was the real punishment Beau making me feel so out of control, so helpless?

Beau stopped and rubbed his hand over my sore ass. “You look beautiful with my handprints on you.”

“It fucking hurts.”

“It’s supposed to, but I feel how hard you are. It’s okay to enjoy it too.”

I shook my head and tried to pull away from his hold. It was useless. His arm was like an iron bar.

“I’m not going to let you go. We’re going to finish this, so take a deep breath.”

I wanted to refuse, to tell him he had no right to touch me this way, that he couldn’t control me, that I wanted him to leave and expected Remington’s car to be there first thing in the morning. But that would mean this was over, and that wasn’t what I wanted. Beau was right. Somehow I needed this. I needed him.

I drew in a long, slow breath, forcing my body to be still.

“Good boy. Now exhale.”

I did, sinking against him and letting go of some of the tension I’d been holding. He caressed my back and massaged my shoulders.

“Better. Do it again.”

I wanted to make him proud, so I drew in another breath and focused on the rhythm of his hand as he slid it up and down my spine. I let myself enjoy the pain his other hand delivered as he squeezed my sore ass, holding me like he owned me.

I exhaled, and just as I began to fully relax, his hand smacked my ass again. He didn’t give me any more breaks. He spanked me over and over, sometimes alternating cheeks, sometimes slapping the backs of my thighs. I was on fire, but I wanted more. I arched my back, reaching for his hand, and worked my hips using his thigh to give my cock the friction I needed.

I was so close. I could totally come like this. I could come with him spanking me as I lay over his lap, naked while he was still dressed, while he told me exactly what to do, controlling me, owning me. I fucking loved it.

“That’s it, baby. Don’t hold back.”

I realized I was whimpering, whining, begging. I wasn’t even sure what I was saying, and I was confident the noises would embarrass the fuck out of me if I was actually able to think. My world had narrowed to Beau’s hand on my ass and my need to come.

He gave me one more harsh blow, then he was lifting me off his lap and laying me down on the bed. I hastily wiped away the tears that had gathered in my eyes. It was embarrassing enough how I responded to him. I wasn’t going to fucking cry on top of it.

Beau stripped, and my eyes feasted on his big, gorgeous body, his wide shoulders, his thick chest and abdomen, and his thighs that looked like tree trunks. He was so distracting I almost forgot to be embarrassed.

He joined me on the bed and brushed my damp cheeks with his thumbs. “It’s okay, baby. Punishment makes people emotional.”

“I… I don’t…” I closed my eyes and turned my face into the comforter.

He ran his hand over my hair. “I was right, wasn’t I? This was exactly what you needed.”

I nodded. I couldn’t lie to him, not after the connection I’d felt. It was like he’d touched my soul. I hadn’t been prepared for that at all. I thought he would spank me hard and then fuck me roughly. I’d been okay with the idea of pain, but this was so much more.