A few seconds later, I’d made my way across the exposed space of the path without being noticed.

Once I was hidden again, Dax stepped out into the open. “That would be a big mistake, Elandra.”

“Put the gun down.” Those words came from Remington. If they could keep her distracted, I could do this.

I scanned the area looking for Guidry or anyone else who might’ve come with Elandra. She was the only person I saw, but based on my experience in the bayou so far, that meant basically nothing. Still, I would have to take the risk.

I hoped to hell they’d understand if I gave the signal we’d planned on using. This wasn’t at all the way we’d intended to do the takedown, but I was working with what I had.

When I got into position directly behind Elandra, I lifted my weapon, ready to make a perfect headshot, then mimicked a heron’s call. If the others understood, three seconds later, Dax would push Beau to the ground, and I would take Elandra out.

I was thankful for every shooting lesson I’d had, even though I’d fussed about being dragged out to the range. Pop had insisted on drilling me again and again. It had all been worth it, or it would be if this worked.

Dax began to move. The second he pushed Beau, I fired.

Elandra made a horrible gasping noise and fell to the ground.

Lance and Ambrose rushed at her, and I ran to Beau, though I knew he was fine. She’d never fired her gun. I’d timed it exactly right.

“Corbin? Holy shit, did you make that shot?”

“Of course. I told you it was my job to protect you just like you protect me.”

Beau pulled me into his arms, and I kissed him, not caring who was watching us.

“I love you. I was so scared. I… What if she’d…”

“She’s not going to bother anyone again.”

We heard something then, and I remembered Elandra probably hadn’t been alone. Guidry appeared, stepping out of the trees, his gun aimed at Beau.

I screamed. A shot rang out, and Guidry fell forward. As I looked around, trying to figure out who’d taken him out, a young man stepped out of the woods, hands in the air. “Don’t shoot. It’s me.”

“Travis?” Beau looked more shocked than I’d ever seen him. Was this his brother? The one he thought was hidden away at their old house?

“Y-yeah. It’s me.”

“What the hell are you doing here?”

Travis pushed his hair back with a shaky hand. “Saving your ass, or at least that’s what I intended to do.”

“You did,” I said, holding my hand out to him. “I’m Corbin.”

He accepted the offer to shake. “It’s… um… nice to meet you.”

“How did you get here?” Beau still hadn’t moved from where he’d been when Guidry appeared.

“I got word from Blade that they were planning to take you last night and bring you out here. I convinced him to come get me. He gave me a car, and the rest I figured out myself.”

“You went into the swamp alone, in the dark?”

He nodded.

“Fuck, Travis. I don’t know what to say.”

“How about thank you?” I suggested.

Beau moved then. When he reached his brother, he pulled him in for a tight hug. “Thank you.”

“Was there anyone else at the cabin?” Remington asked, interrupting their reunion.

Travis shook his head. “I don’t think so, but I didn’t really look. I just followed Guidry.”

“I’ll make sure,” Ambrose said. “Lance can lead you out now that it’s getting light.”

Lance nodded in affirmation.

I turned to thank Ambrose, but he’d already disappeared. I didn’t even hear any sign of movement.

“He’s scary as fuck.”

“Damn right,” Lance said. “Let’s get back to civilization. You know how Tony hates when I leave him.”

“Thank you for coming out here without him to help us find Beau.”

“You’re my brother, Corbin, and Beau’s the man you love. I’ll always help you anyway I can.”

“That goes for me to.” Remington held his hand out to Beau, and they shook. “Welcome to the family.”

I heard Beau’s sharp intake of breath. “Thank you. I’m honored to work with all of you.”

Lance laughed. “You say that now…”

Remington punched his arm. “Shut up. We need to get out of here as fast as we can. Pop and Marjorie expect us to head straight to their house.

“What?” I was not prepared for that.

“They’re worried sick about their baby boy, and they haven’t even met the man he’s in love with.”

“Should I… um… go or… what?” We all turned to look at Travis. In my panic over Beau meeting my parents, I’d forgotten him.

“I can take him home with me,” Dax said. “I’ve got plenty of room, and Beau can come over after some sleep.”

Travis looked unsure, but Beau reassured him. “You remember Dax, don’t you? I know you only met him a few times, but I promise he’s trustworthy. Once Corbin and I have gotten some sleep, I’ll call you. Do you still have the phone I gave you?”