I had no doubt this information was true. Blackjack had worked for us for years, and his ability to find information was legendary. “Shit. So we’re going to have to drag her out from the swamp?”

“Possibly. Maybe we can work on a way to lure her and Guidry here.”

“And Ambrose?”

“He wants in on it.”

“Even if he has to leave the bayou?”

Dax nodded. “Even if.”

I wanted to ask more questions, but the sound of the gate opening drew my attention. Remington was home.



Remington stepped through the door wearing a beautifully tailored pinstriped suit with a gray silk pocket square. Of course he would dress like that for a flight home from a tropical island. At least he hadn’t forced Henri to be uncomfortable. The younger man was wearing khaki shorts and a thin, white button-up shirt. His cheeks were pink from the sun, and he looked so happy.

I wanted to be that relaxed with Beau. I think I could be, but we had to get through this shit first.

“I understand we’ve got an issue to deal with,” Remington said. “One that no one bothered to tell me about until now.”

“You were on vacation with your man,” Dax said. “We weren’t going to bother you.”

Remington glared at him. “Let’s get this started.” He turned to Beau, and I tensed. “I understand you’re as deeply involved in this as the rest of us.”

“That’s right. I am.”

He gestured toward the living room. “Take a seat.”

Beau bristled. He did not like taking orders, but thankfully, he joined me on the sofa without protest. He wouldn’t be afraid to talk back to Remy if he felt the need, but he knew now was not the time.

Once we were all seated, except Henri, who insisted he wanted to unpack—though I suspected he wanted to escape Remington’s foul mood—Remington focused on Lance. “I’m sure what you told me in the car barely scratched the surface. What the fuck is going on?”

Before Lance could answer, I spoke up. “I know more of the details than Lance does. He got all his information from me or Beau.” I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen Remy look so shocked. “I’m the one who captured a prisoner so I could confirm my suspicions.” I glanced over at Beau. “He helped.”

Beau snorted. “I did, but he’s the one who made the takedown.”

Remington looked from one of us to the other. I could tell he knew there was more that wasn’t being said. Remy was the shrewdest person I knew. Very little got past him.

“Was this guy sneaking around here?” Remington asked. That’s when I knew Lance really hadn’t told him much.

“No, he was at Beau’s shop.”

Remington frowned. “What were you doing there?”

“Let’s stick to what’s important right now.” Remington sputtered, but I didn’t let him get any momentum. “We heard a noise outside and discovered a man trying to break into Beau’s car. Dax can tell you more about what he was planning since he’s the one who did the questioning.”

My cousin nodded.

“But before he does, you should know this started long before tonight. Beau, why don’t you give us the rundown.”

He smiled at me before he started speaking. I felt Remington’s eyes on us as Beau explained about the body in the car, the attempted arson, and the realization that the threat wasn’t confined to him. Then he detailed his and Louis’s visit with Ambrose.

“So we knew Guidry had to have someone behind him,” Beau explained. “He’s not smart enough or well-off enough to handle this himself. Last night, when Corbin got a good look at the guy we captured, he figured out the connection.”

“Elandra Landry,” Remington said.

Lance grinned. “I told him that much.”

Remington scowled at our brother, then focused back on me. “What brought you to that conclusion?”

“I could tell the guy was a Landry. He looked eerily like Clark and Charles. No way in hell was he not related to them, and all the shit that’s been going down: vague threats, setting people up, going for people who are our friends or associates is totally Elandra’s style.

Remington frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Like how she got to Dawson.”

“How do you know she’s the one who got to Dawson? We suspected she’d killed him, but we’ve never been sure.”

“I was sure.”

Remy’s face turned red. “Why didn’t you tell us that?”

“I didn’t know you were questioning it.”

“But we talked about—Fuck. You weren’t there.”

I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. “Exactly. Maybe next time I will be.”

Remy blew out a long breath. “What happened with Dawson?”

“Elandra sent her daughter to seduce him and make him start questioning his loyalty. She made him think the Landrys would be willing to make an alliance with us, so when she came for him, I’m sure he thought she was there as a friend. He didn’t even try to defend himself, did he?”