“I still don’t understand why you think Elandra is involved,” Beau said.

Lance answered for me. “Because everything I know of her says she’s far more dangerous than her husband was. She was the real power behind the family.”

Not to mention she’d lured in our cousin Dawson with her bullshit about wanting an alliance, then killed him.

Beau frowned. “And she got away when you took the family down?”

Lance sighed. “She disappeared, and we have a rule not to go after wives or children. Of course, most of the time those wives aren’t killers. They’re just caught up in the things their men do. Everyone suspected Elandra was pulling the strings, but we didn’t have proof, so when she disappeared, we hoped she wouldn’t come back. We were wrong.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being reluctant to go after a woman,” Beau said.

“No, but if she’s orchestrating this…”

“Then it’s time for her to face the consequences.”

“Damn straight. She’s come after you, and I won’t tolerate it.” Beau smiled at me. “You damn well better not be thinking it’s cute that I want to defend you.”

He laughed. “I might’ve thought that a few days ago, but after seeing you in action tonight, I’m just happy to have you by my side.”

“Enough of that mushy shit,” Lance said. “Corbin take your man to Remy’s house and stay safe. I’ll take care of this other problem, and tomorrow we’ll decide what moves to make.”

“Good night,” I said.

“Good night, little brother.” I scowled at the phone after he’d hung up.

“He cares about you.”

“I’ve never doubted that. They both do. I just…”

“You just have to show them what you’re capable of.”

He was right. And I had every intention of doing so.

I double-checked our prisoner’s bonds and then turned toward the door, but Beau grabbed my arm.

“I want to make sure something’s clear between us.”

My heart sped up as my cock responded to his harsh tone.

“I understand you are absolutely capable of taking care of yourself. I understand you want to take the lead on this, and I don’t mind that, but when it’s just the two of us, especially when we’re in bed, I’m still the one in control.”

The intensity in his eyes sent a shiver through me. I’d never thought I would find a man who would treat me with respect, like a true member of my family, but also be willing to take charge of me, to discipline me. “I love you, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“I love you too, and I’m so fucking proud of you.”

If my dad or one of my brothers had said that to me, I’d assume they were being condescending, but Beau meant it. I was sure of that. “Thank you for showing me what I needed.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep reminding you. Every fucking day if I have to.”

“I’m not sure my ass can handle that.”

“You can handle anything you want to.”

Beau showed me how completely in control he was when we got back to Remington’s house. I was really glad my brother wasn’t home because I was very loud about expressing my appreciation of Beau taking me in hand.

Falling asleep with Beau’s arms around me felt like heaven, but the next morning nerves weighed me down. The reality of what I’d said to Lance hit me hard. He could be just as condescending and oppressive as Remington, but he was easier to reason with, at least about something like this. When it came to him making plans of his own, no one could talk Lance out of some of the crazy schemes he came up with, so he didn’t have much room to talk.

Today, I had to face Lance and Remington together along with our cousin Dax, who was one scary motherfucker. He was just as tough as his twin, Ambrose, but he’d gotten all the people skills between the two of them.

I didn’t understand why it was easier to talk back to my family and make ridiculous demands than it was to assert myself and say what I wanted. Maybe it was just habit or maybe it was easier to hide behind a bratty persona than to be myself because the bratty side of me was confident I deserved everything in life. When I took that away…

“What are you thinking about?” I turned to face Beau.

“I didn’t know you were awake.”

“I’ve just been watching you and thinking about how damn lucky I am to be here.”

“You’re staying for the meeting, right?”

Beau shook his head. “It’s a family meeting. That’s not the place for me.”

“But this asshole is after you and Ambrose and the people you used to work with.”

“Ambrose is family, but I’m—”

“You’re mine. That makes you family. Just like Henri.”

“Does Remington include Henri in strategy meetings about how to take care of your enemies?”

I frowned. “That’s irrelevant. Besides, you work for us.”