He writhed under my touch. “Please. Need to come. Can’t hold back.”

“Come for me, baby. I want to see you fall apart.”

I worked him, teasing the edge of his hole with my tongue as I stretched him, pushing three fingers as deep as I could.

I let go of his hips, and he fucked himself on the digits.

“I love you like this, so open and needy. I pushed my tongue in beside my fingers, and that did it. His body jerked as his ass clamped down around me.

His orgasm went on and on. When he was finished, he dropped down to his elbows, head hanging between his hands. I ran a hand over his back. “Are you okay, baby?”

“I think so. I… That was… I haven’t…”

I frowned. What did he mean? Surely not that… I scooped his body up off the floor and pulled him onto my lap, cradling him against me. “You haven’t what?”

“I haven’t ever had anyone do that to me.”

“Eat your ass?”

He nodded, then tried to look away, but I used a finger under his chin to lift his head. “I’m sure you’ve had plenty of people who were willing.”

“Yeah, probably, if I’d asked them to. I just didn’t.” He shook his head. “It’s dumb.”

“Corbin. Do I need to punish you some more?”

“No! What did I do?”

“Whatever your reason is, it’s not dumb. Don’t put yourself down. It’s not any better than the arrogance you showed me when we first met.”

Even then, I’d suspected he was covering up for a lack of belief in himself. Now I was more sure than ever.

“It just seems so… intimate. I knew it was supposed to feel incredible—and oh my God did it—but I didn’t want to ask anyone when they didn’t… If they didn’t want to, or if they just wanted a quick fuck.”

“That is absolutely not dumb, and I’m thrilled to have been your first. Your only.”

His eyes widened. “Do you really mean that?”

I absolutely did. He’d intrigued me, called to me from the moment we met, and the more I saw the real person he hid behind his arrogance and sass, the more I knew he was it for me. “Yes, baby. I love you.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you last night. Louis called at just the wrong time. I wanted to talk about it, but I knew we needed time for that, and I wasn’t sure if you had maybe said something in the moment and regretted it later.”

“I only regretted it because I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way.”

“I’ve known you were mine since I told you what it would cost you to get the Ferrari fixed.”

“What? Seriously?”

“Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered trying to teach you some discipline.” No matter how much I’d told myself not to get involved, I couldn’t help it. Corbin had this spark in him, this fire that called me to its flames.

“Are you sure about that? I get the feeling you love disciplining me.”

I smiled. “I do. But that’s because it’s you. With most men, I wouldn’t have the patience.”

“I don’t usually inspire patience in people.”

“You inspire the desire to spank you to get you to shut up.”

“Yeah, I guess so, but no one has dared to try it before you.”

Without warning, I scooped up Corbin’s clothes, then lifted him into my arms. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to my apartment.”

He looked down at himself. “But I’m naked.”

“We’re the only ones here.”

“What if someone comes back or shows up or—”

I started walking, ignoring his protest. “See? We’re fine. Are you really that shy?”

“I don’t want to scare any of your customers.”

“Any customers that would be scared by me carrying a naked man have no business here after closing.”

I climbed the stairs with him, entered my apartment, and headed for the bathroom. I dropped the clothes, set Corbin on his feet, and made sure he was steady before turning on the shower and pulling out my phone.

Corbin frowned and pointed at my hand. “What are you doing?”

“I’m ordering dinner. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

“I don’t think I’ve come down from the sex high enough to know if I’m hungry.”

“You will eventually.” I gestured for him to step into the shower as I laid my phone on the counter.

We got ourselves nearly clean before my cock convinced me that rubbing only my hands over Corbin’s water-slick body wasn’t enough. Seconds later, I had him bent over, hands against the tiles. I used conditioner for lube and pushed deep inside him as he pushed back, wanting even more. By the time we’d both come again and washed ourselves a second time, the pizza I’d ordered was nearly there.

I dressed hurriedly, telling Corbin to take his time. He obviously didn’t listen since he came into the kitchen with his t-shirt on backwards and his hair dripping wet. He looked fucking adorable.