“No, the connection will be obvious if anyone starts poking into this. I didn’t expect you to know right away, but think. Have you heard about someone who’s angry with your family that might have made contact with Guidry?”

He frowned. “We have a lot of enemies.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

Corbin laid a hand on my thigh, and my reaction to the heat of his touch was so strong I nearly drove us off the road.

“We’ll figure this out,” he said, not seeming to realize his effect on me.

I put my hand on top of his. “Damn right we will.”

“Thank you for trusting me.”

“Maybe save your thanks until after tonight.”

“Oh fuck. I…”

“You didn’t forget, did you? I’ll have to make sure you don’t.”

My plan to make the day torturous for Corbin ended up backfiring. I spent the whole day horny as fuck and snapping at everyone. Midafternoon, I gave Corbin an assignment that put him out back, away from me, and sent everyone else home. I wanted to punish my boy for scaring the shit out of me, and I wanted to do it right then.

“Are you sure you don’t mind finishing up?” Sam asked.

“No, I’m fine. Go on home. You’ve been working extra hours all week.”

“So have you. You bust your ass in here all the time, and you’ve got a new boy to look after.”

I glared at her.

“Don’t go acting like there’s nothing going on between you two.”

“Keep your mouth shut about that. You know who he is.”

“Yeah. It was ballsy of you to go after him, but you’re just what he needs.” She held up her hand as I started to speak again. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to say anything.”

“Do you think Leland and Joey know too?”

She shrugged. “Maybe, but if they do, they’ll keep their mouths shut.”

“Yeah, I guess they will.” I had a great crew.

“I’ll get on out of here so you can fuck your boy.”

“That’s not—”

“Yeah, right.” She waved to me over her shoulder, laughing as she pushed her way through the door.

I was going to fuck Corbin tonight no matter how sore his ass was. It had been all I could do not to give him what he’d begged for the night before, but before I gave into that urge, I was going to make sure he remembered why he shouldn’t disobey. His ass wasn’t ready for another spanking, at least not one as hard as I wanted to deliver, but I had other ways of tormenting him.

I pushed the door open and stepped outside. When I entered the second building, I didn’t see Corbin at first. My heart began to pound. What if… I shouldn’t have left him out there alone.

“Beau? That you?” Corbin stepped out from the storage closet, carrying a stack of shop towels.

“There weren’t any more clean ones in the bin, so I thought I’d bring some out for tomorrow.”

I noticed he’d done several of the other chores we usually do to get the shop ready to go the next day. “You’re not only learning, but you’re also being proactive. You’ve become quite the good little employee.”

“Good enough to get to pet the Lamborghini?” He eyed the car parked a few bays over.

“Not that good. Not yet. But if you do exactly what I say for the next few days, I’ll take you for a ride in it before I send it off to its new owner.”

“Really? Would I get to drive it?”

“Hell no.”

He scowled. “I’m a good driver.”

“Remember how you got yourself into this?”

He put the towels in the bin where we kept them. “That wasn’t my fault. Somebody did that while it was parked.”

“It’s about how you treat the machine all the time, not just when you’re behind the wheel.”

“Jesus, you can’t hold that over me forever.”

I wiped down the sink while he put away a few tools. “Maybe not forever but certainly for a while longer. Come on. I need to go to my office.”

“Isn’t it about time to close up?”

“Yes, I’ve already finished up front and locked the door, but I’ve got some more work to do. Everyone else is already gone. It’s just us here.” I wondered how long it would take him to realize this wasn’t going to be a regular work request.

When we reached the office, I turned to face him. “Close the door behind you and lock it.”

His eyes widened. “What are you—”

“No questions. I give the orders, and you do what I say.”


“No talking unless I ask you to.”

He licked his lips and nodded.

“One exception,” I added. “You can say yes, sir anytime you want.”

“Yes, sir.” He practically purred the words.

“Seduction isn’t going to get you out of this.”

He ran his teeth over his lower lip, but he didn’t say anything else.

I grabbed one of the kneeling pads that was sitting on a shelf. We used them when we needed to be on the concrete floor working on a car.