“Sorry, little guy. I don’t have anything for you.”

“Let’s talk out here for a moment,” Lance said. No way in hell was Lance going outside without me. I grabbed the door, struggling to wrench it from his hand.

“I’ll talk with you,” Beau said, “but anything you have to say, you can say it in front of Corbin. I know you may not like that he’s with me, but he’s an adult, and he can make his own choices.”

I gaped at Beau. Had he really said that? After I’d fucked up this morning, he was defending me?

Lance grinned. “Nice to hear you noticed. Come on in.”

Now I was staring open-mouthed at both of them. “What the fuck? Lance, you just said—”

He grinned. “Revving you up is so fun.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Beau fist-bumped him.

“Oh, hell no. The two of you are not going to gang up on me.”

“I do draw the line at incest,” Lance said. Beau made a strangled noise, and Lance just laughed. “Corbin gets chatty after several drinks.”

Beau turned to me. “You told him?”

I shook my head. “No. I just said that we… that I…”

“He needs someone like you who doesn’t give a damn who he is and doesn’t pamper him.”

I glared at Lance. “Wait. Last night, you said—”

“Last night, I didn’t know if he respected you or if he was just looking for an easy way to solidify his relationship with our family.”

“What’s between me and Corbin has nothing to do with your family. It’s just about us.”

“And it’s none of your business, Lancelot. I don’t need you interfering.” As thrilled as I was that Beau had stood up for me, I was nervous as fuck about leaving with him. He was keeping his cool, but I knew he wasn’t happy I’d let things slip to Lance. I hadn’t meant to, but I was feeling so mixed up, and Lance was easier to talk to than Remy. I used to go to my mom with all my problems, but this… no way.

“I’m over an hour late for work, so any further discussion needs to happen later. You coming, Corbin?”

Damn, assertive Beau was so fucking sexy. “Yes. I’m… Yes.”

As I headed through the door, I turned and glared at Lance. “Not a word to anyone.” By anyone I really meant Mom, Pop, and Remington.

Lance mimed locking his lips and throwing away the key. Tony stared toward where Lance had gestured, trying to determine if Lance had thrown something for him.

“You better get him something,” I said. “He’s a terror when he thinks he’s been denied a treat.”

Lance flipped me off, and I rushed to catch up with Beau, who didn’t say a word as we got into his truck. I hadn’t ridden in it before, but I was sure there was plenty of power under the hood. I noticed that it was covered in mud, and I wondered where he driven it.

I went back and forth, trying to decide if I should apologize to him for spilling our story to Lance or wait for him to speak first. Ultimately the decision was made for me.

“I would say I was sorry I was late to pick you up, but that ended up not being an issue.”

“You were going to apologize?”

That got me a side-eye. “You think I can’t admit when I’m wrong?”

“I… I don’t know. I guess I figured you’d just expect me to wait for you.”

“No, baby. I show my employees the same respect I expect them to show me.”

“Don’t they have to earn it?”

“If they came in acting like you did, they would’ve never gotten hired.”

I hated his assessment, but I knew it was true, and the fact that he was still calling me baby made everything okay. If he was truly angry, if he was going to end things, he wouldn’t have said that.

“I’m sorry I told Lance about us and that I made you worry. I shouldn’t have had so many drinks.”

Beau nodded, but when he didn’t look my way, my stomach did a somersault. “How much does Lance know?”

He sounded angry now, and he had every right to be. I’d known he didn’t want to jeopardize his position with my family. I knew he didn’t think my brothers would approve of me being with him. I thought back to what I remembered of my conversation with Lance, and it made my cheeks burn.

“That much, huh?”

“He just knows that I’m interested in you, and we’re… kind of together.”

“There’s no kind of about it. You’re mine, and I’m keeping you.”

His words made my heart skip a beat. Did I dare let myself believe he really was in this for the long-term?

“I suppose I should be happy he didn’t rush over to beat me up.”

“No, he… You heard him today. He doesn’t have a problem with it.”

“Do you really think he won’t tell Remington?”