I realized Lance was staring at me. “Something’s going on with you. What is it?”

I pressed my lips together in an attempt to keep from speaking. I’d downed my drinks way too fast, the one I’d had at the house and the two there. If I started talking, I was going to say more than I meant to. I should never have accepted Lance’s offer.

“Corbin, I’m going to find out one way or another. You might as well just tell me.”

Now that Lance had the idea something was up with me, he wouldn’t rest until he figured it out, and it wouldn’t take him long. “Fine, but you can’t tell Remy.”

“I’ll only tell him if I have to.”

“You don’t have to. This is nothing… It doesn’t involve him.”

Lance narrowed his eyes, making it clear he didn’t buy my dismissive attitude. “Seems like maybe it does if his car’s involved.”

“His car is already fixed, okay? I parked it in the casino lot, and some asshole scratched it. The scratches are gone now, and Remy will never know they were there.”

“If it’s really that cut and dried, you wouldn’t be all agitated about it. Spill the rest.”

“Beau’s the one fixing it.”

Lance shrugged. “He’s the best and the only one Remy trusts.”

I looked up at Lance and held his gaze. His lips curled into a smirk. “Beau hates you, and he’s been giving you shit?”

I sighed. “It’s worse than that.”

“Did he hurt you?” Lance was suddenly all anger and aggression. I was afraid he was going to jump up from the table and go track Beau down.

“No, that’s part of why I didn’t want to tell you. Stop treating me like a kid. I don’t need to be protected all the time. When Remy brought Henri home, you didn’t go all protective on him.”

Lance laughed. “Actually, I did it, but there’s also the fact that Henri barely weighs more than Tony. He’s not as much of a threat as Beau.”

“Anyone with a gun is a threat. I hate how people assume just because a person is smaller they can’t be deadly.”

Lance nodded. “Point taken. I know you’re well trained, but you’re inexperienced and also my little brother. It’s my job to worry about you.”

I knew I was lucky to have a family that cared. Not everyone had that. In fact, it seemed like a rarity these days. “I told Beau he couldn’t say anything to Remy, and he didn’t take that well.”

“He’s not a man who likes to be told what to do.”

I snorted. “That’s for damn sure. He would only agree to keep quiet if I worked for him at the shop.”

Lance choked on his drink, and it took him several moments to compose himself. “You’ve been working at the body shop? Like getting dirty and shit?”


“You don’t know anything about working on cars.”

If my drink hadn’t been empty, I might have thrown it in his face. “I’m learning.”

“Whoa. You’re letting someone teach you something? And actually listening?”

I signaled our server and ordered a frozen daiquiri this time. I needed a serious punch if Lance was going to keep being such an ass.

As if he knew how frustrated I was, Tony hopped up on my shoulder and started grooming me. “You’re a good monkey, aren’t you? You’re not mean like Lance. Maybe you should come live with me.”

Lance scowled. “Tony is mine. I’ll dismember anyone who tries to take him.”

“Even the little brother you’ve sworn to protect.”

Lance flipped me off, and I petted the little creature. Tony hopped down and scurried over to Lance when my drink arrived. I took several long sips from the straw and gave myself a brain freeze. Lance laughed as I clutched my head.

“The fucking drink is too cold.”

“You ordered it frozen. What the fuck did you expect?”

“I expected to hate Beau even more after working there for a day.”

Lance studied me, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. “This is getting interesting. Keep going.”

“Do not tell Remy.”

“I already promised.”

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

He sniffed in mock offense. “I always tell the truth.”

“That’s such bullshit. You’re lying right now.”

“Corbin, what’s going on with you and Beau?”

“A lot.”

“What does that mean? Oh my God. You’ve gone from hating him to fucking him?”

It was more than just fucking, but I managed to keep those words inside. “This isn’t… I’m not sure what it is. I wish there could be something, but…”

“This is… Wow. I never expected this. What do you mean you wish it could be something?”

“If it weren’t for Remy.”

“What’s Remy got to do with it?”

Did he really not get it? “Beau thinks Remy will kill him if he finds out we’re together.”

Lance shook his head. “Remy respects Beau.”

“Yeah, but does he want us together?”

“Whoa, do you mean you’re…”

“No, I just meant that if we… I don’t know what’s going to happen.”