Corbin met my gaze. “I know you didn’t think much of me when I met you, but if I tell someone I’m their friend, I mean it, and what we did tonight… I wouldn’t let anybody do that if I didn’t consider them a friend.”

I squeezed his hand. “Thank you. I’ve only ever shared bits and pieces of this story with anyone. I still can’t… I can’t talk about all the things that happened to me while I was locked away. When I told you I’m not scared of anything, it’s because I spent the first months terrified every second. When I figured out how to survive, I knew if I could do that, I could do anything. I swore I was going to be a law-abiding citizen when I got out of prison, but your brother’s offer was too good. I needed to stop feeling like a caged animal, and he gave me the opportunity to start my life over, but I paid my debt to him, and I don’t intend to be beholden to anyone anymore.”

“Not even if…” Corbin looked away and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Never mind. Nothing.”



I couldn’t believe I’d almost said, “Even if you fell for someone.” Beau and I’d had really good sex. We’d shared some shit with each other that we didn’t usually share, but that didn’t mean we were in a relationship, and it sure as hell didn’t mean he was in love with me, even if I loved him. I was starting to think I probably did.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

Reluctantly, I did as he asked. “Friendship, loyalty, family, that’s not the same thing as owing somebody. That’s choosing someone.”

My heart fluttered. I licked his lips and somehow found the courage to say, “I want this to be real. I want to be good for you. I want to show you I can discipline myself.”

“I know you can. And I… I’m honored you chose me to help you with that.”

His words sent warmth washing through me, but I also felt panicked. He was saying all the right things, and I wanted to believe he felt as strongly about me as I did about him, but why would he? I was a challenge for him, a project, like a car that needed to be put back together.

“What’s wrong?” Beau rubbed at the line I knew had formed between my brows.

“Nothing. I’m fine.”

“You’re lying. I’ve warned you about that, but you’ve been through a lot tonight. I expect you to tell me eventually, but right now, you need to sleep.”

He removed the plate from the bed and brushed away the crumbs before sliding back under the covers and pulling me into his arms.

I woke in the morning to see him putting his coveralls back on.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Later than it should be.”

I groaned as I pushed the covers off and winced when I sat up. Beau had been right about how I would still feel the spanking today. He walked over to the bed, and I opened my legs so he could move between them.

When he bent and kissed me, I thought it would just be a soft greeting. Instead, he pushed his tongue into my mouth, tangled it with mine, and kissed me like he wanted to eat me up. By the time he pulled away, my morning wood was throbbing with need for him to fulfill his promise.

“You stay here today,” he said. It took me a few moments to make sense of the words.

“No. I agreed to work for the week, and—” His pointed look had me stopping midsentence.

“I’m only going to work for a few hours, then you and I can spend some time together not in bed.”

I stared at him. “You mean like a date?”

“Like something other than fucking and working at the shop. I need a break, and I want to spend it with you.”

I had a feeling Beau rarely took any time off. “What about all the shit that’s going on?”

“It’ll go on with or without me there, and I trust my crew. I want some time with you before…”

I knew he meant before Remington returned, but neither of us finished the sentence.

“I can come to work with you, even if it’s only for a few hours.”

“No, you need to rest up. I took a lot out of you last night, and you didn’t sleep all that much.”

“Neither did you.”

“My ass didn’t take a beating, though.”

I sighed, remembering how good that had felt.

“Turn over. I want to see my handiwork.”

My cock jumped at his words. When I shifted onto my stomach, I had to fight the urge to rut against the mattress.

“So hot.” Beau’s voice was reverent as he ran a hand over my ass. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that my ass was still red right in the center of my cheeks where he’d hit me the hardest. Seeing it only made me harder, and the need to work my hips against the mattress overtook my control.