He smiled at me. “You look nervous.”

“You know why.”

“And you knew how to prevent it.”

“But, Beau…” I hated the whiny tone in my voice.

“Go wait in my car.”

I almost protested until I realized it was a big deal that he trusted me to be in his car on my own. He trusted I wouldn’t hot wire it and drive off. He trusted I’d be there waiting for him. I didn’t have to be. I could just leave. I could have left at any point. I could’ve jerked off last night twice, three times, or however much I wanted, but I hadn’t because I wanted to please him. All of that had been my choice. I’d enjoyed everything he’d done to me. He was sexy as hell. I had wanted him to fix Remington’s car because I’d known he would make it look as good as he had. I didn’t have to agree to any of this, but I wanted it. “Yes, sir.”

Several agonizing moments passed as I waited in his car. I had to force myself to keep my hands folded together in my lap. I wasn’t going to touch anything in his car. He didn’t need more reasons to punish me.

Punish me. What did that mean? Would he spank me?

I shivered at the thought. His big firm hand coming down on my ass… How badly would it hurt? I’d never been spanked before. My mom didn’t believe in it. My dad didn’t believe in contradicting my mom. No one I’d been with as an adult had ever had the nerve to try.

I watched the door of the shop. After what seemed like forever, he opened it and stepped outside. My heart beat harder with each step he took toward me.

When he opened the car door, I realized I was clenching my hands so tight they ached.

“I won’t truly hurt you. You know that, right?”

My first instinct was to snap back and tell him that was obvious since my family would kill him if he did. Being a brat was an easy defense when anyone made me feel unsure.


“I… Yeah, I know.”

He laid his hand over mine. “Relax”

“Do you have any idea how fucking horny I am?”

He laughed. “Trust me. It’s only going to get worse.”

“I don’t think…”

He took hold of my chin again, forcing me to face him. “You can handle what I have planned for you.”

“H-how do you know?”

“Because you want this, and you always get what you want.”

I glared at him. “That’s… that’s not fair.”

“It’s not fair to use your own words against you?”

“Not… not when I’m trying.”

“Baby, I want you to fight for what you want. I want you to listen to me, to do what I say, but that doesn’t mean I want you to be docile. That just wouldn’t be you.”

I shook my head. “Um… I guess not.”

“Are you ready to go?”


He put the car in reverse. “Good.”

What the fuck was I doing? Was I really going through with this? Was I really going to give in to whatever he wanted?

Yes, I was. I wanted this. More than I’d ever wanted anything, even the chance to have a bigger role within my family. I felt like that was my right, but this was something I wanted for myself.

As I let us into Remington’s house, I couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of what my brother would do if he found out we’d defiled his favorite chair, and God only knew what we were about to do in his guest room. Hopefully something filthy.

Of course, Remy and Henri had probably wrecked every room in the house. Remy couldn’t keep his hands off his man.

“You’re awfully quiet. Don’t tell me you’re that scared.”

“If I was, I might’ve behaved better.”

“Or you might just have convinced yourself I wouldn’t really do anything to you.”

I turned to face him. “What are you going to do?”

“Take me to your bedroom, Corbin. Once we’re there, I want you to strip. When you’re completely naked, I’ll tell you what happens next.”



Knowing Corbin was both anticipating this moment and nervous as hell about it already had me half-hard, but as I watched him slowly peel out of his t-shirt and sweats, my dick reached the point that it was ready to pound nails.

I’d been thinking all day about how delicious it would be to have him completely bare in front of me; to have him offer himself to me; to spank his ass until he squirmed, whined, and cried, unsure whether he wanted more or he wanted me to stop.

I had no doubt he would enjoy it. He wanted me to deliver the consequences I promised. He needed to know that I meant what I said, that I cared enough to make sure he obeyed.

He toed off his shoes, then stepped out of the coveralls, leaving him in a pair of blue boxer briefs and a tight black t-shirt.