We reached a storeroom where I hoped I could find some coveralls that wouldn’t swallow him. He stood in the doorway while I sorted through a bin. I found some that might work and tossed them at him. At least his reflexes were good enough to catch them. “Get changed, then I have some cleaning for you to do.”

He just stood there, staring at me, running his teeth over his bottom lip. Did he have any idea how much that turned me on?

“I know you’re struggling to meet my expectations, but I’m sure you can dress yourself.”

He gave me a nervous glance. “Aren’t you… aren’t you going to leave?”

So he was suddenly feeling shy. “What if I say no?”

I expected him to give me some entitled bratty comment like he usually did. Instead, he slid his jacket off and tossed it onto the shelf beside him. Then his hands went to his fly. I watched, mesmerized, as he undid his belt, then unfastened his pants and lowered the zipper.

I coughed to mask a groan, and he looked up at me through his eyelashes. Goddammit. Was he trying to kill me? Did he want me to fuck him hard and rough so he could run and tattle to his brother?

No, if there was one thing I was sure of, it was that he didn’t want Remington to know about any of this.

As he started to lower his pants exposing silky turquoise briefs that revealed more than they hid, I found my voice. “I was about to show you where the bathroom was, but if you insist on giving me a show, then—”

His seductive expression turned to a scowl. “Fuck you.”

“Do you really want to offer that?” I sure as hell wanted to take him up on it, but it wouldn’t matter how willing he was; his brother would still kill me, slowly and painfully.

“No. I thought…”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to see every inch of you if that’s what you’d like, but say the word, and I’ll step out and let you finish.”

He looked ready to attack me. “Why the hell did you let me get this far?”

“I was shocked by your forwardness.” I fanned myself as though I was nearly overcome.

“Jesus, why are you such an asshole?”

“Because it makes people listen.”

He pointed to the door. “Get out.”

“Try again. Talking to your boss like that will get you fired.”

“You’re not really my boss.”

“Right now, I am.”

He sighed as if he were very put upon. “Fine. I’d like privacy to change. Please.”

His sarcastic tone had me once again contemplating how hot the imprint of my hand would look on his ass. I walked out before he could tempt me anymore.

He closed the storeroom door behind me with a firm push, not quite a slam, which was good. I might have convinced myself that door slamming demanded punishment, and right now, other than the chores I already had planned for him, I couldn’t think of any punishments that didn’t involve my hand on his ass or him choking on my dick.

A few moments later, he came out wearing the coveralls. He’d rolled them up at both the ankles and wrists to make them fit, and he looked adorable and really damn young.

“Can we get on with this?” he asked when I didn’t speak for several seconds.

This time all I had to do was raise a brow, and he sighed. “Would you please tell me what you’d like me to do today?”

I grinned. “That’s much better.”

I took him into the second garage behind the main building, the one where we did our specialty work, some of which was legal, most of which at least skirted a line. When he stepped inside, I heard him suck in his breath.

I turned to look at him, and the sight of him with his mouth open, his eyes wide as he took in the gorgeous cars we had back there had me wanting to push him against the door and devour him. He would give in if I did. I was sure of it. He’d let me take him any way I wanted to.

I should send him home. This was never going to work. I was going to be hard and distracted by something I couldn’t have all day.

He turned back to me. “I didn’t know… I thought…”

“Your brother really doesn’t tell you anything, does he?”

His cheeks pinkened, and I simultaneously wanted to fuck him mercilessly and pull him into my arms and comfort him. He’d apparently never been given the chance to grow up.

“I knew you did favors for him, but I thought this was a regular body shop.”

“There’s nothing regular about me, and there never will be.”

He snorted. “I guess not.” He walked toward the Lamborghini I’d mentioned earlier, and I laid a hand on his shoulder, halting his progress. “No touching,”