It was the day after Robby’s visit when she decided to read the letter Crank left her. By the time I walked into the bedroom of my house, where we stay during the week and come to the clubhouse on the weekends nowadays, I found Valentina sobbing with the letter clutched to her chest. It took me some time to get her calmed down, but when I did, she let me read it, unable to describe what he had written. God, it hit me in the gut, and I even shed a tear at how he apologized for not being good enough, how Crank knew he could have done more had he put his foot down, but that will be his burden to bear even when he’s in the sky above watching over Valentina. The part that had me sucking back my own tears was when he went into full detail about how much he loved her and how proud of her he was. Yep, I know the depth of that meaning because the thought alone of not having Valentina in my life is like the light dimming. Only she brightens it.

“Probably not. All you can do is be there for her to pick up the pieces.” My woman moves her cold-as-fuck hand further south. I suck in my breath, giving her room to travel towards where I know she wants to be. She loves my cock as much I love her playing with it.

“I think it’s time we head to our room. I’m ready for dessert.” She winks then licks her lower lip. She doesn’t have to tell me twice. My beer is on the counter. I don’t give a shit that I’ve all but slammed it down. I have my woman ready to climb me like a tree, so I do one better and hoist her up. She wraps her legs around me, notching her center along my cock, and I know tonight is going to be a wild one.



Six Months Later

There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, better than taking time away from everyday life. Zero responsibilities, no work, no what’s for dinner, no nothing. That’s exactly what I asked Corey for when he asked what we should do for our honeymoon, so I begged and pleaded, well, maybe not really. I got on my knees, though, and wrapped my mouth around his cock, teasing him until he took over, holding my head right where he wanted it, choking me with his thick cock.

It was worth it, though, to be on the back of Corey’s bike, his big body between my spread legs, the sun beating down on our bodies, and the wind in my hair. I don’t even care where we’re going or where we’re staying. Corey has it all figured out, and that’s perfect for me.

Of course, life threw us wrenches along the way. Jenny had to go through another round of chemo, and we weren’t leaving until she was in remission, so though we got married, we’re just now going on our honeymoon four months later. Thankfully, this last round did it, and she’s been in remission for a while now.

We set off on our journey a week ago and have another week to go. I still work at the hardware store, and Corey still works in the garage for the club, as long as what he gets done what has to be done for the MC, that’s all that matters. Not the days he works or the hour. We’ve settled into a routine, and though we’ve talked about it at length, we knew children weren’t for us. It was more my idea than Corey’s. I’m sure if I changed my mind tomorrow, he’d roll with it, and part of me worries that maybe he goes along with me. Another part doesn’t. We’re content in our lives right now. Plus, we have all the family we could ever ask for with the MC. It’s fun to spoil the littles and send them back to their parents, at least it is for us. I’m not sure how it is for their parents. Half the time, they’re thankful we’ll watch them; other times, they’ll grumble we spoil them rotten. You can’t win them all.

We’ve been on the road for half of the day now, and I know we won’t be stopping until dusk starts to settle. That’s not going to be soon enough for me, not with the way the motorcycle rumbles beneath me or how Corey has no problem sliding his hand along my thigh, sometimes going so high that he’ll slide his fingers beneath the hem of my shorts, grazing the lips of my pussy, like he’s just done. And you know what they say, turnabout is fair play.

“Christ, woman, you’re gonna make us wreck.” That’s another thing that’s happened on this ride out west we’ve been on. It’s fed this insatiable bone in my body. When my hands unbutton Corey’s jeans, one hand delving inside and feeling his thickness, I feel him downshift the bike, his eyes looking for a place to pull off on the side of the road, hiding us from the highway and passersby. Something that almost happened to us the first day. Needless to say, we’ve been a lot more careful ever since.