“Loud and clear, old man. She’s Diamondback.” Shovel nods his head. I do the same and head to the gym because there ain’t shit that will let me sleep tonight.



I packed until I had all my clothes in the bags I came with, along with a couple of new additions to the mix. It didn’t take me long, and when the front door slammed, a sigh of relief left me. That’s when I took a shower, finished packing, then put Corey’s hoodie back on. If I was cutting all my ties with him, the one thing I was keeping was what he gave me besides the memories. The most devastating part of today was calling into work and letting them know I wouldn’t be in until tomorrow. That pissed me off more than anything. Okay, no, that’s a lie, a complete and utter lie. I am completely devastated that my father would bring Corey into our family drama.

That’s where I’m at right now. Dad never came back, thankfully. A sigh of relief in itself. It’s also why I’m packing everything into my car, not even bothering to look for a place to rent right away. I’ll put a hotel night on my credit card for the time being. Sure, it’ll set me back, but it’s better than living a life of fear.

“Why you ever thought it was a good idea to move back home is beyond dumb,” I grouse, shoving the last of my bags in my car. One smart move I did make was paying my car off as fast as I could, which happened last month. Now to tackle credit card debt and find a place to live.

“Where the hell are you goin’?” Corey’s voice has me smacking my head against the frame of the car where I’m bent over the backseat. It shouldn’t have. I heard his bike round the corner. I figured if I ignored him, maybe with my fingers crossed, he wouldn’t stop.

“Jesus.” I hold my head as I come out of my crouching position. “Not to sound rude or anything, but what does it look like I’m doing?”

“Full of spice today, are we?” he jokes as his hand massages where mine were on my head, helping dull that pain.

“I think that happens when you’re running on only a couple of hours of sleep.” Okay, I need to shut this down and turn off my attitude.

“Sucks, gorgeous. Still doesn’t explain where you’re goin’.” I so badly want to faceplant into his neck, nap for days, and forget about the shit swirling around me. That’s not in the cards for me, though. Nope, it’s time to pull up my britches, so to speak, and end something that only just started.

“Not sure yet. I’m staying here in Ely, just unsure of the logistics yet.” I look away from him, hating that my father could destroy something so beautiful.

“That shit is not gonna fly for me, Valentina. I figured from the shit yesterday that it’s not good at home. Runnin’ away won’t fix it,” Corey says. As if talking about it will help. The way my luck has been the past twelve hours, I’d say we have maybe thirty minutes until dear old dad will be pulling into the driveway.

“I know that I’m going to get a hotel for tonight, clear my head, and reassess in the morning. Please, Corey, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” My eyes shift closed as I attempt to hold my reaction in check when he cups my cheek.

“Good, then you don’t have shit to worry about. You’re comin’ with me. If you don’t wanna stay at the club or my place, my sister has a house, and so does my mother. I can see the defeat written all over your face. Let me ease some of that pain, yeah?”

“You’re making it really hard to end things with you, Corey.” I look into his eyes. My life has been a wreck for years. How I managed to find him while the world is falling apart around me, I’m not sure. I’ll never know, not for a while at least.

“That’s all part of the plan, gorgeous. Now get in the car. We’ll head to the club and go from there.” A minute ago, he was giving me options. Apparently, that Corey has left the building and the take-charge one is in his place.

“Okay.” His lips graze mine, then he’s escorting me to the driver’s seat, watching as I get in and start my car. Only then does he walk back to his bike. I guess I’m following Corey to the clubhouse, but I really need to figure out what I’m doing with my life, and soon.



Two Weeks Later

“Hey, Crank.” I walk inside the club, having been at work since early this morning. It was one of the days where we had a meeting, which also required food and coffee. What I wasn’t expecting was Corey waking up with me this morning, helping me get everything loaded up, having cooked everything in two Crock-Pots the night before, and walking me to my car. Of course, it helped that my alarm clock was Corey, too, in the form of him sliding inside me while still mostly asleep. When I say waking up with your man’s cock inside you is the absolute best, it is the absolute freaking best. Some days, it’s me waking Corey up, my hands and mouth going after his cock. Other times it’s like this morning. The downfall of getting up and going to work so early is that now I’m utterly exhausted.