“Never mind.” I stomp into the elevator and press the number to our floor. “I’ll be there in two minutes.”

I get up to the room, and using my mobile app, I unlock the door. Scott is sitting on the couch eating room service while my sister shoves her clothes into a suitcase.

“Where’s Abby?” I ask, looking around for my little girl.

“Dropped her off at camp. When she asked where you were, I told her you were having a sleepover with a special friend.” She winks, and I shoot her a glare.

“What time is it?” I glance at my phone and see it’s only half past eight.

“Time for us to head out,” Scott says, wiping his mouth and standing. “Our flight leaves at eleven.” He puts his arm around me. “But before I go… please tell me you got me an autograph.”

“A what?” I slide out from under his arm.

“An autograph. C’mon, Sawyer, you seriously didn’t get one? I texted you to get one,” he whines.

“No, you didn’t.” Lisa playfully shoves him.

“What?” He shrugs. “The guy is the best QB in the league, and your sister spent the night with him while I was on babysitting duty.”

“I highly doubt my sister had time to ask him for his autograph while she was with him. Unless he totally sucked in bed.” Lisa glances at me. “Did he suck in bed?”

“I didn’t sleep with him. We were lying on the beachside loungers, talking, and fell asleep. That’s it.”

“Lame. Did he ask for your number at least?”

“No.” I roll my eyes. “We…” Oh, shit! “I left him.”


“I woke up all foggy, forgetting where we were, and then I called you, scared you were going to call the police, and I left him. Like I actually hightailed it up to the room and didn’t even say goodbye to him.”

Lisa shakes her head. “Only you.”

“I’m assuming that means you didn’t get my autograph.” Scott pouts like a damn kid.

Lisa glares at him and pops the handle up on the suitcase.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving.” I pull my sister into my arms.

“I know,” she says, hugging me back. “It was so much fun having a girls’ weekend. I miss you, sis. We need to do it again soon.”

“I miss you more.” I kiss her cheek.

“You’ll be back for Abby’s birthday, right?”

“Of course,” she says, pulling back. “Enjoy yourself this week. Relax, have a few drinks, go swimming in the damn ocean…”

“I will,” I promise. “Thank you.” I glance at Scott. “Both of you. This place, this trip… it’s too much, but I really appreciate it, and I know Abby does too.”

“You don’t have to thank us,” Lisa says. “You’re my baby sister, and you only graduate from college once.”

“But if you want to thank us, you could get me that autograph,” Scott adds with humor in his voice.

“It’s highly unlikely I’ll be seeing him again.”

“Why not?” Lisa asks. “He’s staying here too, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, but he’s on vacation. I doubt a famous football player wants to spend his time with a single mom and her four-year-old daughter.”

“Hey,” Lisa chides. “He would be damn lucky to spend his time with you and my niece, but even so, that’s why I made sure the resort has a kid’s camp. So you can have some adult time while Abby has fun playing with kids her own age. You deserve a little R and R.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I hug her one more time. “Have fun in the rainforest.”

“Oh, we will.” Scott grabs the suitcase from Lisa. “Oh, hey, while you were talking, did you by any chance find out if he’s signing with the Bluebirds for next season?”

“Scott!” Lisa shoves him forward.

“What? Everyone’s been on pins and needles waiting to know. It’s all ESPN’s talking about. Maybe he told her.”

“All he told me was that he’s unemployed.”

Scott’s eyes go wide in horror. “Oh, shit. That can’t be a good sign. Listen, if you see him again, maybe give him some of that motherly advice you always give to Abby like don’t give up… blah, blah, blah. If he doesn’t play this year, the team’s going to suck.”

Lisa rolls her eyes and drags him out the door. “Bye, Sawyer. Love you!”

“Love you more!” I call back.

Since Abby will be at the kid’s exploration camp for the next few hours, I take a quick shower to rinse the night off and then throw on a bikini so I can go lay out by the pool.

On the first day we arrived, my sister surprised her with going to the camp. I felt guilty about pawning her off on other people, so I went to pick her up after a couple of hours to spend some time with her. Only she got upset, saying she made the best of friends, and begged me to let her stay.