“Maybe we can just keep doing the long-distance thing for a while,” I say, rubbing my aching chest. “I can save up money, and once I have enough for a place, we can make the move.”

Mom nods, distracted by her phone. “That sounds like a plan.” She glances up at me. “Do you have Instagram?”

“Umm, yeah…”

“Can you pull it up for me, please?”

“Sure.” I click on the app and hand her my phone.

After a few seconds, a familiar voice comes over my speaker, catching Abby’s attention.

“Is that Lucas?” she asks, walking over and climbing into my lap.

“It is,” Mom says, turning the phone so Abby and I can both see. She presses play, and the video starts over, Lucas, Presley, and Hudson’s faces appearing on the screen.

“We’re here to announce,” Lucas begins, a grin splayed across his face, “that our dad has decided to retire from playing football.”

I gasp in shock as Presley begins to speak. “We know you’ll miss him throwing the ball, but we’re so excited to have our daddy at home!”

My head is spinning as Hudson smiles at both his kids before turning his attention on the camera. “It’s true,” he says. “I’m so thankful for the fifteen years I’ve been with the Bluebirds, for everything the NFL has done for me, and for all of the fans who have watched and cheered us on game after game. I’ve made the difficult decision to retire so I can spend more time with my kids. I know it’s last minute, but I can assure you the Bluebirds have an amazing QB coming in, and I have faith they’ll continue to kick ass.”

“Daddy, you cursed,” Presley says, making Hudson laugh.

“Sorry, sweetie.” He kisses the top of her head. “Thank you to everyone who has supported me. It’s been a wild ride. Go Bluebirds.”

He leans forward, and the video cuts off, and I’m left in shock. He’s retired. He’s actually quit his job to be home with his kids. Yet nothing has changed with us because I’m still here and he’s still there.

I dial his number to call and congratulate him—and also to ask why he hasn’t once mentioned this every time we’ve spoken or texted the last few days—but his phone goes to voicemail.

“Hey, Sawyer,” Dad calls out. “I’m meeting with the buyer of the property. Would you mind taking a ride with me?”

“What? You sold the property? Since when?”

“Since he made a cash offer I couldn’t refuse.”

“Wow, that’s awesome!” I hug my dad, so happy for him and my mom. “Of course I’ll go with you. Is it anyone we know? What are they planning to do with it?”

My dad chuckles. “I’ll let him tell you all that.”

When we arrive at the front of the road on the other side of the property, a metallic SUV is parked and waiting for us. As I’m jumping out of the side-by-side, the vehicle doors open, and Lucas and Presley come running down the dirt road toward me.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask in shock at seeing them.

“We’re moving here!” Presley shouts in excitement, throwing her arms around my middle. “Daddy quit football, and we get to live here, and I get to go to school with Abby.”

“Dad’s gonna buy me a four-wheeler, and he said there’s a golf course close by.”

My words are stuck in my throat, confused and excited, so I do the only thing I can do. I hug them both and tell them I’m so happy they’re here.

“All right, you two,” my dad says. “Jump in so I can take you to Lori and Abby. There are pancakes and eggs with your names on them.” He winks at me and slides back into the side-by-side, taking off with the kids.

“Surprise,” Hudson says once we’re alone.

“I don’t understand.”

“I told you I would figure it out, and I did.” He leans against the wooden post holding up the for sale sign and crosses his arms over his chest. “Your dad and I talked while I was here. I purchased the property from him at his asking price, and in exchange, he’s going to teach me about farming. We’ll become partners of sorts. I’m also going to be building a house out here.”

“You’re… you’re going to be my neighbor?” This is all so crazy. One minute, he’s living in New York, preparing for the upcoming football season, and the next, he’s standing in front of me telling me he’s… moving here?

Hudson pushes off the post and bridges the gap between us, dropping onto his knee. “I’m actually hoping we’ll be more than that.” He opens a small black box, and a shiny ring sparkles in the sunlight. My hands go to my mouth, and his eyes lock with mine.

“I want to build that home with you,” he says, a small smile curling on his lips. “I want to create a home and a life with you, with our kids. What do you say, Sawyer? Will you marry me?”