When she steps back, I notice the tears she was trying to hold in lose their battle and slide down her cheeks as she turns and walks away, sidling up next to Abby, who looks just as sad.

My eyes lock with Charles and Lori, who both nod and smile, giving me the strength to walk away.

The ride to the airport and the flight home is long, and the kids are cranky. When we get home, they both retreat to their rooms and fall asleep early.

I pace back and forth in my room for hours, weighing the pros and cons of the decision I need to make. Around midnight, I pour myself a glass of whiskey and spend another couple of hours trying to figure out what to do. At one in the morning, I consider calling my mom for advice, but before I can, a text comes in from Sawyer. It’s a picture of her in bed with a soft, sleepy smile on her face. Miss you and the kids already.

And just like that, with one picture, one text, my mind is made up. This woman is the one. I can feel it in every fiber of my being, and that only leaves me one choice. I send her back a text, telling her I miss her as well, and then get to work planning the next chapter of my life… of our life.

“Mr. Matthews.” The Bluebird’s owner shakes my hand when I walk into the meeting my agent has put together.

“Mr. Jamison, thank you for meeting with me.”

We all congregate around a large rectangular table—my coach, agent, attorney, as well as a few others who have a stake in the team’s future—and I repeat a similar version to what I told my agent yesterday. “I’ve loved every minute of my time in the NFL, and I’m so thankful for you guys taking a chance on me fifteen years ago, but I’ve made the decision to retire. I’m requesting to terminate the contract I recently signed.”

“Is there anything we can do to change your mind?” Jamison asks, all business.

“Not unless you’re planning to move the team to Tennessee.”

An hour and several signed documents later, I walk out of the meeting with several pounds of weight off my shoulders.

“Dad, you’re home!” Presley exclaims.

“I am. Where’s your brother?”

“He’s being mean.” She rolls her eyes. “Joanie said to let him pout alone.”

I had her keep the kids home from camp, knowing I’d be home early and want to talk to them. “I’m going to go get him so we can talk.”

Her brows furrow. “Are we in trouble?”

“No.” I head upstairs and find Lucas reading again. When I knock, he doesn’t say a word. “I need to talk to you and your sister.”


“Lucas…” I warn, making it clear in my tone that regardless of how mad he is, his attitude isn’t acceptable.

“Fine.” He sighs, dropping his book on his bed.

Once the kids are on the couch, I sit across from them on the coffee table. “How would you feel about moving to Tennessee?”

Both of them perk up.

“Like forever?” Lucas asks.

“To live with Abby and Sawyer?” Presley asks.

“Will I have my own room?” Lucas.

“Can I share a room with Abby?” Presley.

“Wait, are you sending us away?” Lucas asks, his brows dipping in concern.

“What?” Presley gasps. “We’re leaving you? I don’t wanna leave you.”

“Whoa, calm down,” I say with a light chuckle. “Nobody is getting sent anywhere. After spending the weekend on the farm, I think it would be a nice place to live… all of us, together on the property like where Abby’s grandparents live.”

Both kids nod in understanding.

“I like it there,” Presley says. “Can I get a horse?”

“Yeah, me too,” Lucas adds. “Can I get my own four-wheeler? Wait, is there a golf course there?”

“One step at a time,” I tell them with a laugh.

“Okay, so what’s the first step?” Lucas asks.

“I’m glad you asked…”



“Do you know how expensive it is to live in New York?” I ask my mom, slamming my laptop closed in frustration. It’s been less than a week since Hudson and his kids left, and I’m missing them like crazy. Abby has asked no less than a dozen times when she’s going to see them again, and every time that I’ve told her I don’t know, she’s glared daggers my way like I’m the bad guy.

“I’ve only lived here,” my mom says, patting my leg. “But I’ve heard it can be pricey.”

I thought when I woke up the morning after they left and announced that I’m planning to move to New York to be with Hudson, since I can teach anywhere, but he can only play football for the team where he lives, my parents would freak out. Instead, they both hugged me and said they’re happy I’ve found love. I’ve spent the past few days researching places to live since I can’t just move in with him because that would be crazy, and jobs available, since I’m going to need one to pay my bills, but I’ve quickly learned New York is overpriced and teachers are underpaid. I woke up Monday morning, excited and ready to let love guide me, only to be completely defeated by Friday.