We get off the plane and, after grabbing our rental, stop at the store on the way to the party to pick up a gift for Abby. The kids insist on picking it out. Presley goes with a princess splash pad, and Lucas insists on water guns—at least they’re pink.

Since the party is starting soon, we head straight there. As we drive through the town, the kids point out how different it is. Presley mentions that there are a lot of trees and green and people in cowboy boots with cowboy hats. Lucas points out the people riding horses along the sidewalk and the lack of traffic. While we don’t live directly in the city, it’s all they’ve ever known. Even our version of suburbia has more concrete and traffic than Sawyer’s town.

I take in the town as we drive down what appears to be their main street. It looks like the shit you see in those small-town movies where everyone knows everyone. A sign hanging on the street corner announces a fall festival next month, and I laugh to myself—totally something you would see in a movie. I can’t deny how down-to-earth it all feels, though. It’s as if nobody is in a rush. No cars are honking or speeding. Kids who appear to be my son’s age are riding bikes and scooters along the sidewalks. I can’t imagine letting him go anywhere outside of our yard without me. Even in our gated community, the traffic is too bad for him to just up and leave on his own.

When we arrive at the farm, there are several pink and white balloons at the entrance, along with an iron sign that reads Addison Farms.

“Are we here?” Presley asks, bouncing in her booster seat with her face pressed up against the window.

“I think so.” My nerves kick in, wondering if I made a mistake showing up unannounced when nothing has changed. Because you’re in love with her, and something needs to change…

We drive down a long, winding dirt road until we reach a decent size two-story farmhouse. There are a couple of vehicles outside, but we’re clearly early, which is probably a good thing since they’ll be in a bit of a shock to see us here.

Before we can get out, the front door swings open and Abby comes running out in her pink princess dress with a crown on top of her head to greet whichever guest has arrived. The second we step out of the vehicle, and she sees it’s us, she stops in her place for a moment, then runs at full speed straight to Presley, who’s running as well and meets her halfway. The girls squeal in delight with their arms around each other, jumping up and down.

“How’d you get here?” Abby asks with a smile on her face.

“I rode on a big plane and then drove in the car,” Presley answers.

I chuckle at her literal answer, but my laughter comes to a screeching halt the second I spot the gorgeous woman standing just outside the front door on the porch. She’s dressed in a pair of cutoffs that showcase her sexy, tanned legs and a yellow flowy top that rides up high on her belly, exposing her toned stomach. Her gorgeous green eyes meet mine with a look of confusion marring her features.

“Hey, Sawyer,” Lucas says, his voice bordering on timid and nervous. My thoughts go back to our unfinished conversation yesterday, and I hold my breath, praying Sawyer doesn’t take her shock out on him. Of course, she proves to be amazing, when her gaze goes to him and her face brightens like the fucking sun.

“Lucas! I can’t believe you’re here!” She walks down the steps and over to him, enveloping him in a hug. He wraps his arms around her, and my heart both breaks and gets pieced together at the same time. They part, and she hugs Presley next. “I’m so happy to see you guys.”

“They came for my birthday,” Abby says. “You said they weren’t coming. Why did you lie?”

“She didn’t lie,” I jump in before Sawyer can get a word in. “We weren’t supposed to come. I was supposed to work, but I took a few days off and wanted to surprise you guys.”

“Yay!” Abby cheers. “Come here, Presley. Come see my cake.” She takes her hand and is about to run in, but then stops. “Lucas, you can come too. It’s pink, but my grandma made chocolate cake under it.”

“That’s cool,” Lucas says, following them inside and leaving Sawyer and me alone.

“You’re here,” Sawyer breathes, turning her attention to me.

“I’m here.”



He’s here. In my state, in my town, at my house. With his kids. When I hugged Lucas and Presley, my heart swelled in my chest. Since we’ve returned home from vacation, it’s felt like a piece of me was missing. It’s the reason I made the last-second decision to visit them, and it’s also why I’ve been distancing myself from him recently. Every time we’re together, I feel whole, complete, like everything is right in the world, and then our time together ends, and we have to part ways, and it feels as though Hudson and his children take a vital piece of me with them.