Hudson makes sure I’ve come again before he pulls me onto his lap to straddle him and thrusts hard and deep from under me, finding his own release. With him still inside me, our bodies pulsing with adrenaline, he cups my face and brushes his lips against mine.

“I love you, Sawyer,” he whispers against my lips. “I know you’re afraid of being hurt, but I promise your heart is safe with me.”

“I love you too,” I tell him honestly as I store his confession of love and promise deep in my heart, so later, when I’m back home and alone and cold, I can use them as a blanket, wrapping them around me to keep myself warm.



I miss you.

I wish you were here.

Are you ignoring me?


I stare at my phone, willing the bubbles to appear. It’s been two weeks since we returned home from our vacation and three since I’ve seen Sawyer. After she agreed to give us a chance and we made love, I asked her to stay an extra week with us. I offered to move them to my suite, and when she said we needed to take things slow and not jump right in like that with the kids, I told her I would pay for another room and to have her flight changed. She smiled, told me again that she loved me, and then said we need to take things slow. She needed to get home for the orientation she’s required to attend at work, and we would see each other soon.

I start training camp next week, and the closer it creeps toward the date, the more anxious I get. The kids and I have been busy, spending our time in the pool and going on the boat. Both their grandparents—Clara’s mom and my parents—have visited, but what I want is to see Sawyer.

Once training begins, my life becomes crazy. I asked her to come visit before that, but she said she wasn’t sure if she could. As I pace back and forth in my office, wearing a hole into the floor, I wonder if maybe she was right. If I’m pushing so hard to see her because I know I’m going to be busy once the season starts, how the hell are we going to find time to see each other during the season?

It would be a lot easier if she lived closer, and selfishly, I was thinking maybe if I could get her and Abby to visit so she could see where I live isn’t so bad, I could somehow convince her to move here. Then we could see each other a hell of a lot more.

My phone buzzes in my hand, and I open the message, hoping it’s Sawyer, but it’s just Deacon, a good friend of mine from the Bluebirds, confirming the time and place we’re meeting for dinner tonight. He and his new fiancée are celebrating their engagement and invited a few of us to join them. I’d rather hang out at home and text and video chat with Sawyer, but I promised I would go.

As I’m texting him back that I’ll see them later, a shadow in my doorway has me looking up. I’m expecting it to be Joanie, since she arrived a little bit ago to keep an eye on the kids so I can meet a couple of my teammates—and friends—at the gym to get a workout in, so I’m shocked when I find Sawyer leaning against the doorframe.

“She never texted you back, did she?” she asks, nodding toward my phone in my hand.

“No, she didn’t. But I think I can forgive her since she’s here.” I cut across the room and pull her into my arms, kissing the shit out of her. “You’re here.”

“I am.” She smiles up at me. “Joanie let me in.”

“How long are you here for?” I ask, then hold my breath, hoping she’ll say forever.

“The weekend. Next week, I have a couple of days of required training for work. It’s crazy that summer will be over in a few short weeks. Teachers go back two weeks before the students.”

My heart sinks. Two days. That’s all I have with her, and then we’ll both be busy. I shake the negativity from my thoughts. We’ll figure it out. Right now, she’s here, and I don’t want to taint our time together.

“Is Abby here?”

“She is.” She looks at me, a little worried. “I couldn’t leave her with my—”

“Stop. I’m glad she’s here. The kids will be excited to see her. Fuck.” I lift her into my arms again and devour her mouth. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

My phone goes off, reminding me I left my friend hanging. “Let me text Deacon and cancel for tonight, and then I’m all yours.” I also need to text Clay and let him know I won’t be meeting him and the other guys at the gym. Fuck working out, my woman’s here.