Lucas rolls his eyes, and Hudson chuckles as he dries off and then goes back to the wheel to take off again. I leave the girls counting how many dolphins there are and walk over to join him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Thank you,” I murmur, looking up at him. “You just made my daughter’s day.”

He glances down at me. “How about her mother? What would it take to make her day?”

“Seeing my daughter happy makes my day.”

He nods in understanding and dips his head to kiss my forehead. “Maybe tonight we can work on what makes you happy.”



“Where are you going, Dad?” Presley asks when she walks into my room in her pajamas and sees I’m dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a collared shirt—not my usual attire during our stay at the beach. I consider lying to her since this is all new and I haven’t been on a date since her mom passed away, but I go for the truth because I promised myself I’d always be honest with my children.

“I’m going to take Sawyer out to dinner.”

She tilts her head to the side slightly in thought. “Like on a date?”

“Yes, like on a date.”

“Will she be your girlfriend?”

I chuckle at her question. “No, we’re just friends.” It’s a little white lie, but not really because come Saturday, when it’s time for Sawyer and Abby to check out and leave, all that will be left is our friendship and memories.

Presley nods thoughtfully. “You should make her your girlfriend. She’s pretty and nice.”

“That she is,” I agree.

“Is Abby coming over to sleep?” she asks, changing the subject.

“Yeah. Joanie is going to watch you guys tonight.” I check the time on my watch. “They should be here soon.”

“Hey, Dad!” Lucas calls out. “Can we go to camp tomorrow? It’s snorkeling day.”

I walk out to the kitchen, where he’s checking out the calendar of events. “Of course.” I ruffle his hair. “Is your lip good enough to go in the salt water?”

He runs his tongue along the Band-Aid-covered flesh and nods. “Yeah, I’m tough.”

“Yeah, you are. You want to go too?” I ask Presley.

Before she can answer, there’s a knock on our door. I wanted to pick Sawyer up like a proper date, but she told me that’s ridiculous when she has to drop Abby off.

I open the door, and Abby rushes in, dressed in her pajamas with a backpack on. “Hey, Presley.” She waves. “I brought some coloring books. Do you like to color?”


Lucas comes out with his snorkel on, making everyone laugh. “You planning to go snorkeling in the bathtub?” Sawyer asks.

“No,” Lucas replies seriously. “I’m trying it on for tomorrow. It’s snorkeling day at camp.”

“I have a pink one,” Presley adds, running off to grab it so she can show everyone.

“Am I going snorkeling too?” Abby asks her mom. “I don’t have a snorkel.”

“No, sweetie. Your group is going to collect seashells and go on a wildlife boat tour.” Abby and Presley are in the same group, while Lucas is in a group with older kids.

Presley comes back with her pink snorkel in hand. “Wait, we’re not going snorkeling?” She scrunches her nose up in disapproval.

“No,” Lucas tells her. “You’re too young. Only my group is going.”

“That’s not fair.” Presley pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

“But we get to pick up pretty shells,” Abby tells her.

“But I wanna go snorkeling.”

“How about we go tomorrow after camp?” I offer. “We can buy Abby and Sawyer snorkels and all go together.”

“Fine,” Presley says. “Let’s go color.”

She grabs Abby’s arm and is about to drag her away, but Sawyer stops her first.

“You’re sure you’re okay with Joanie watching you?” she asks softly, bending so she’s at her daughter’s level. Joanie’s been around the past couple of days, so Abby and Sawyer have met her and are comfortable with her. She’s the best damn nanny, and I dread the day she decides to start her own family and quits. She’s dated a few guys off and on, but nothing serious.

“Yeah.” Abby kisses her mom and then runs off with Presley.

“I’ll let Joanie know we’re leaving,” I tell Sawyer, pulling my phone out of my pocket and shooting her a text.

“Can I rent a movie?” Lucas asks.

“Sure, bud. But make sure Joanie approves it first, please.”

“Thanks! Bye, Dad! Bye, Sawyer!” Lucas sprints out of the room just as Joanie walks in.

“Hey, Sawyer. You look pretty. I love that dress.”

“Thanks. My sister bought it for me at one of the shops on the island.”

I glance at Sawyer, having been too busy with the kids to take her in. She’s dressed in a peach wraparound dress with a low front that draws attention to her ample cleavage, and the short length shows off her tanned, toned legs. She’s wearing white strappy sandals, and her toes are freshly painted the same color as her dress. Her hair is down in loose waves, and she’s wearing some makeup.