“I’m not going in,” Presley says. “I’m building a castle with a moat.”

“What’s a moat?” Abby asks.

“A big river that keeps everyone away. Daddy says if the camera people don’t leave us alone, he’s going to build a house with a moat.”

I laugh at that as my eyes meet Hudson’s. I didn’t plan to spend the day with my non-one-night stand, and I have to admit, just because the sun came up didn’t mean the chemistry between us faded. Every time he looks at me, I swear he wants to eat me alive. Or maybe I’m just thinking that because I totally want him to devour me.

“Presley, we’re all going to go in once so Abby and Sawyer can go in, then you can build your castle,” Hudson tells his daughter.

“Okay,” she agrees easily, dropping her sand toys and whipping her bathing suit cover off. “C’mon, Abby.” She takes my daughter’s hand and guides her toward the water, and I pull out my phone to take a million pictures of her first time in the ocean.

“You too,” Hudson says, taking my hand and mimicking his daughter’s actions with a playful smirk. “Don’t worry,” he whispers, so nobody can hear. “I’ll keep you safe.” Butterflies flutter in my belly, and I have to tamp them down.

“Wait, I need to take my cover up off,” I tell him, letting go of his hand and removing the material to expose my bikini. His eyes scan down my body, drinking me in like he’s dehydrated and I’m his only source of water, and I have to admit, I love how thirsty he is. After I had my daughter, I went through a lot of shit with her father and lost a part of myself. I put on some weight and wasn’t happy with my body. After we cut ties, I worked hard to lose the weight and become the person I wanted to be—mentally and physically—and I finally feel like I’m there.

“Can you put sunscreen on me too?” I ask Hudson, turning around and giving him my back, knowing full well what I’m doing.

I hear a faint growl, and then the liquid is being sprayed onto my shoulders. “Make sure it’s even,” I toss out, glancing back at him.

His eyes burn into mine as he drops the bottle, and his hands land on me, rubbing the sunscreen in. The way he massages my flesh has me wanting to lie down and beg him to give me a full-body massage, but then I remember where we are and who we’re with. I step away and clear my throat. “Thank you.”

“My turn,” he says, lifting his shirt over his head. My jaw damn near hits the sand as I take in his hard chest and six-pack. It’s clear he takes care of his body, which makes sense because of his profession.

“Do all football players look like you?” I blurt out, seriously regretting not paying attention to the sport.

His eyes narrow into slits, and he steps closer to me. “It doesn’t matter because the only man you’re looking at is me.”

“For now,” I sass. “When does football season start again?” I tap my chin thoughtfully, and his heated glare darkens just before he scoops me up over his shoulder and slaps my ass.

“I think someone needs to be cooled off,” he growls, heading straight for the water while I shriek and beg him to put me down. “Girls, Lucas, stay right there for a minute.”

I glance back at the kids and notice our daughters are both laughing at Hudson’s antics while Lucas shakes his head with a smile on his face. Hudson runs into the water and then lowers me, submerging us both underneath and leaving only our faces safe from the salt water. Instinctually, my legs wrap around his muscular waist, and his hands grip my ass to hold me up. The cool and refreshing water feels good against my warm skin.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asks, reaching out and tucking several strands of hair behind my ear.

“What are we doing?” I murmur. Our faces are so close that with just a simple movement from either of us, we’d be kissing.

“Right now? We’re taking our kids swimming. But later, my hope is to finish what we started last night because I’d really like to explore every inch of your body.” He moves my body up and down a couple of times, so my center rubs against his hard body, forcing a low groan out of me.


“I know,” he says, dropping me so we’re no longer touching. “Later…”

I’m about to argue, but he’s already grabbing my hand and guiding us back out of the water toward the kids.

“All right. Who’s ready to go in the water?”

All three kids cheer. Lucas grabs his board and runs toward the water while Presley takes Hudson’s hand. Abby glances at Hudson, and he extends his other hand out for her. I’m shocked when she takes it and smiles up at him, making it clear she trusts him completely.