The bells tinkled merrily and Eden Ravard hurried in. She waved to them, smiling widely. “I didn’t think my hair was ever going to get finished. It isn’t even long, and it took forever to get blown out.”

“Well worth the wait,” Savage said.

Eden giggled like a schoolgirl. Savage had gone to her house twice with Seychelle, helping out in emergencies in spite of the fact that she had four sons and a stepson, none of whom were ever around. The ladies fanned themselves and Seychelle shook her head. “Don’t fall for his charm. He’s a bad-boy biker.”

Sometimes Seychelle didn’t know who Savage was. He rarely spoke, even when they went together to visit her older friends’ homes. He would prowl around looking to do repairs, and she would do all the actual visiting. Other times, he’d turn into Mr. Charm, like now.

“Best kind,” Eden said. “What did I miss?”

Doris nodded in agreement. “Look at Seychelle’s ring, Eden. You missed that.”

Savage brought her hand out over the table, securely trapped in his, for Eden to admire the ring. When she’d done enough complimenting, he kissed the stone and stood up, tugging Seychelle with him. She couldn’t help the way her stomach did little somersaults and her heart accelerated.

“I really have to get back to the clubhouse, ladies. I left a meeting to come here and see my woman. I’d like to borrow her for a few minutes if you don’t mind.”

She shouldn’t go with him. She didn’t need to be alone with him, not for one moment. She had to finish her lunch with the ladies, ask for a ride to her house—or just walk now that Lana was gone—and be alone just for a little while to think things over. The last thing she needed to do was be alone with Savage. Even knowing that it was the worst possible idea, Seychelle followed him right out of the Floating Hat.

“Savage.” She tried a half-hearted protest when he tucked her under his arm once they were on the sidewalk, heading toward his Harley.

Jackson Deveau, the deputy sheriff, was standing next to the motorcycle in full uniform, looking as if he was inspecting it. Savage didn’t even hesitate. He walked her right up to the motorcycle, ignoring the cop.

“Stopped by to tell you congratulations,” Jackson said.

Savage glanced at him, no expression on his face. “News travels fast. Thanks. Just gave her the ring a little while ago.”

Jackson frowned and then turned his attention to Seychelle as Savage swung his leg over the bike and settled onto the seat with a creak of the leather.

“Ma’am. Didn’t realize. I was talking about your man and his little prank he pulled. It was a nice one, and I want him to know the full extent so he can gloat about it.”

“Don’t have a clue what you’re going on about, Deveau, so spit it out. Got a meeting to get to.” Savage’s tone, his voice, were as expressionless as the mask on his face. “Was just going to say good-bye to my woman.”

He was lying. Nothing gave him away, but he knew exactly what Jackson was talking about, and Seychelle wanted to know what it was.

“Those ladies you got all excited about buying a present for me for my birthday went right to Clyde Darden and asked him to name one of his fuckin’ flowers after me. Not just any flower either. They wanted one he could show all up and down the state. Wanted it to be named something heroic. Notice I’m givin’ you the details, Savage, so you can spend a lot of time thinking about how you got me good. Those ladies needed to raise a lot of money so Darden could grow this flower in his greenhouse and then travel to those shows and enter it. So they went to the Red Hat Society, two chapters, and asked if anyone wanted to help them out with their birthday funds so Darden could keep entering those damned contests. Red Hat ladies not only got behind the idea, but they decided to do fund-raisers for Darden in my name. And the fuckin’ flower’s name.”

Seychelle had no choice. She had to bury her face against Savage’s shoulder. Bite her lip. Count in her head. Press her hands tight in a fist into his abs. How he could sit there straight-faced she had no idea. Savage was definitely behind that prank, but how? She was so going to ask him.

“There’s a reason I’m giving you all the gruesome details, Savage. I believe in revenge. I bide my time, and I go for total revenge. You are going to know it’s coming, and you deserve it. It will be far worse than what you did to me. So enjoy this while you can—you got me good, but know I’ll be planning the payback.” Jackson smiled at Seychelle. “I’d say congratulations, ma’am, but I think you’re a little crazy to be hooking up with this one. Think about what I just told you he did. That’s one of his jokes. He gets serious, and Lord only knows what he might plan.” He turned and walked away.