But I can already see that my words aren’t getting through to him. He’s shaking so hard now that it looks like he’s about to explode with anger. He shakes his head over and over again, trying to fathom what he’s hearing. He should be happy right now. Elle is going to make him a grandfather. But he’s too caught up in his petty prejudices, so certain that he’s right and that we’re wrong, even if it’s two against one. He lets out a roar of anger and Elle steps back in horror.

“You!” he snarls, pointing at me. “You did this. I could kill you!”

He throws himself at me, but I’m more than ready for him. He’s not thinking straight. He tries to throw a punch at me but I shove him off easily. I’ve been fighting madmen ever since I met Elle, protecting her from those who think they have a claim over her. But the thing is, I’ll always win. I’m the only one who truly owns her. Even her own father can’t compete with what the pair of us have together. And he’s never going to win this battle for her.

“Don’t do this.” I try to reason with him. “Not in front of your daughter.”

“She chose this. Now she has to see the consequence of her bad decisions,” Steve spits. He tries for another punch and my adrenaline takes over, shoving him up against the wall. Elle cries out, rushing into the apartment and comforting Maisie as she howls.

“Stop it, please,” she begs. “I don’t want this, Dad. Please see sense. We’re happy and I’m an adult now. I have to make my own decisions. Even if I’m wrong about this, which I’m not, you have to let me figure it out for myself.”

“You’re my daughter. I have to do everything I can to protect you,” Steve snarls in my face as I keep him pinned to the wall easily. I shake my head at him

“That’s my job now,” I growl. “While you weren’t here, I protected her from the world. I’ll never leave her side, never let her come in harm’s way. Your job is over. Let her man take over.”

“No,” Steve whispers, his voice barely audible. “What kind of father would I be if I allowed this to go on? This is wrong. It should never have happened.”

“Fate brought us together,” Elle insists, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Dad, I know you don’t understand, but just give this a chance, please. For me.”

Steve wavers and I wonder if he’s actually considering it. But then his frown deepens once again and I know something for certain.

He’s never going to let this go.

“You have to choose,” Steve snarls as I hold him in place. “It’s me or him, Elle. If you choose to be with him, then don’t come running to me. Don’t expect me to be here for you, because you’ll be cutting all ties. I’m doing this for your own good, Elle. You know deep down that what you’re doing is bad. You know it won’t last. So make the right choice. Leave this silly little thing behind. We can deal with your pregnancy…”

“Deal with it?” Elle asks in horror. “What do you mean?”

“We-We can find someone to take on the child. You don’t have to take on the burden of one mistake, Elle. It’s not too late.”

Elle’s face darkens. “I don’t think you understand, Dad. This isn’t negotiable. I love Will more than anything in the world. And when our baby comes along, I’ll love them just as much. I’m not going to let you bully me out of this. You might be my dad and I love you, but Will has been here for me more than you ever have. You let me grow up without a man in my life. You don’t get to try and fill that hole now. I’ll be just fine with Will. It’s not on me if you choose to walk away, to leave me behind. That’s on you. So go on. Abandon your daughter again. You’ve done it once before. I’ll survive if you do it again.”

Silence fills the space between us. Elle might regret some of the things she’s just said, but she’s spoken her truth. She’s right. Steve has no right to be making demands of her when he left her behind. He has no right to dictate her life when he’s never been around before. I can see the hurt on his face, but he brought this on himself. If he’d just been willing to listen to what his daughter wants, this never would’ve happened.

Now, though, he’s got to make a choice. I can see the humiliation on his face. I know he’s not going to take this lightly. I know he’s going to want to do whatever keeps his dignity intact, but it’s a little late for that. He’s lost the upper hand. I let him go, not wanting to hurt him, even after everything, but I keep my fists ready at my sides, ready to protect Elle at all costs from whatever comes next. I hope that Steve gets over himself and does the right thing. I hope he chooses his daughter over his pride.