But this morning, I’ll let her rest. My needs aren’t important, and she needs the sleep. I know she was up late last night, working on her novel while also tending to baby James. He’s only a few months old and requires a lot of our time. Tina, our firstborn, is older now, but she’s a demanding little thing too. She’s learning more and more every day, and Elle refuses to miss a single moment of it. With the money we’re both bringing in, we can afford childcare, or to have a live-in nanny, but neither of us wants that. We want to be the ones to raise our kids. As much as it would be helpful for us to get someone in to babysit occasionally, we don’t want to miss anything in their childhoods.

Elle wakes slowly and smiles at me. I kiss her gently, reveling in the silence. No baby crying, no toddler demanding attention. It’s just me and her, like it was in the beginning. Our lives are so full of love and joy, but these moments matter to us both so much. When it’s just us, we can truly appreciate one another.

“Morning, baby,” Elle says, voice sleepy. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did. I dreamed of you.”

“You did?” she asks with a coy smile.

“I did. It was a very sexy dream if I’m honest.”

Elle giggles and kisses me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I like the sound of that, maybe we can reenact it.”

I growl, my cock growing harder and throbbing between my legs. It seems impossible, but I want her more and more with every passing day. Her body has changed, given us two children and I find it so damn sexy. She complains about her stretch marks and sagging skin, but she looks incredible. She always has, but now it’s like she’s aging like a fine wine. How is it possible that she just gets sexier and sexier?

I’m about to pounce on her and begin ravishing her body when the baby monitor crackles and baby James begins to cry. Elle sighs, but she’s smiling. She loves every single part of motherhood, and the role suits her. She’s an incredible mother, always around to comfort the kids, to play with them, to make sure they’re eating well and living the perfect life. She could be such a good housewife if that’s all she wanted, and she often talks about stepping away from her writing to be with the kids more but she loves her job too much. It’s more of a need in her life than a job. I could support us all if I needed to, but she works because she wants to.

That’s what I love about her, she knows her own mind and does things her way. She thinks about her own needs and what she wants, but she always manages to put her family first. I know my amazing wife would do anything for me, for our kids, and I know that it’s part of the reason that I love her more and more with each passing day.

“Sounds like James is ready for his morning feed,” she says with a yawn. I wish I could pull her back into bed and live out the fantasies from my dreams last night, but family duties come first. There will be time for the rest later…

“I’ll check in on Tina.”

“Would you? Thanks, baby.”

Elle gives me a quick kiss before rushing off to tend to James. I head down the hall to Tina’s room. The thing is, as much as motherhood suits my wife, fatherhood is also something that I live for. I love our kids just as much as she does. I know she finds it attractive that I’m good with the kids. I know how to make Tina laugh and coax her out of her tantrums. How to make James sleep when nothing else works, except stroking his head gently. And when the house is filled with commotion because neither of the kids will sleep, I stay up and read to them both until they drift off.

I was scared when I first became a father. I didn’t think I’d be able to fill the shoes of a good dad. But I’ve done everything in my power to make a good life for our kids. I’m not just the breadwinner for the family. I’m a family man at heart, and I’d do anything for my kids.

I check in on Tina and find her sleeping. I kiss the top of her head, love flowing freely through me. My little girl has taught me so much in the time she’s been on this earth. She’s taught me to be a good man, the kind of role model she deserves in her life, to trust my gut, and to put my family first. I don’t want to let Elle down or make the mistakes her dad made with her. I strive every day to be the perfect husband and perfect dad, to give Elle more than she ever received. That’s what being a man truly means.