“But you’re the one who hurt me. Don’t you see that?” Elle asks, her voice full of disbelief. “I feel like you still don’t get it. Like you still think that you’re the important one in this scenario when you’re the person that tried to stand in the way of my happiness.”
Steve hangs his head. “I realize that. I really do. I’m not trying to make excuses for myself. What I should be saying is that what I think doesn’t even matter. This is your life, and you should live it however you want. But for what it’s worth, I want to support you and your relationship. I want to be a part of your life again. I hate that I put you in a position where you felt you were let down.”
“I was let down…”
“Yes, yes you were. I made a lot of bad choices. Mistakes. But now, I want to do whatever I can to fix them. I want to come back and be a part of your life. I’m so sorry.” He looks up and meets my eyes for the first time. “To both of you. Will, you’ve been looking after my baby girl, making her happier than I’ve ever seen her. I shouldn’t have villainized you for that. You’re a good man and I’m lucky that my daughter has found someone like you. And Elle, I’m sorry that I hurt you. You deserved so much better from your father. I want to have the opportunity to do better. I want to give you a hundred percent. I want to be a better man, a better father than I’ve ever been.”
I look at Elle to see her response. Her jaw is tight as she stares at her dad, but I can see her resolve crumbling. Because even though she’s still angry, I know she wants the same things her dad does. She wants to fix all of this. She wants to have her father in her life when she has her child, when she gets married, and starts her new life. She never really wanted him gone. She just wanted the heartfelt apology that he’s just given her. I can feel my anger subsiding as I realize that she’s ready to move on from this. She wants a fresh start. We all do.
“I forgive you,” Elle whispers. “But don’t ever let me down again, Dad. I don’t know how many times I can let it slide. I love you but Will is my family now, and I don’t want you to try and come between us. Do you promise to support us all the way?”
He nods fervently. “Yes, I won’t let you down again, I swear. Whatever comes, I’ll be around for it. I swear I’m ready to step up. All the times I’ve let you down in the past, I want to put those behind us. I want a fresh start.”
I watch a smile form on Elle’s face slowly. “I want that too.”
She stands and Steve follows her lead. Pulling her dad in for a hug, they hold each other for a long time. I watch the pain of the last few weeks lessening inside them right before my eyes. This is our chance for a clean slate. This is the time to begin all over again. And when Steve reaches out to shake my hand, I take it without hesitation.
“I meant what I said. You’re a good man. I’m…I’m glad you are here to support my daughter. And hey, I guess we’re all neighbors now.” Steve smiles at his daughter, reaching over to touch her stomach. “You need me for anything I’m here. You’ll need a babysitter when the baby comes, right?”
Elle lets out a short laugh and I manage a smile. This is a good first step. Everything is going to work out. We’re going to be a real family sooner or later. This is just a blip in the road.
With Elle at my side, I’ll never be unhappy again.
Six months later…
“Please welcome the happy couple to the dance floor…Elle and Will!”
I can’t stop smiling as Will takes my hand and leads me up to the dance floor. Our wedding today has been a blur, and now it finally feels like we’re slowing down enough to enjoy the day. Starting with our first dance.
Will looks ridiculously handsome in his sharp suit, and I gaze at him as his hands find my waist, ready to dance with me. My stomach is swollen with pregnancy now and my back hurts a little from the weight of my bump, but right now, all I want to do is have my first dance with my husband.
It’s been six months since we found each other and fell in love. Six months of happiness beyond my wildest dreams. Six months of learning about one another, loving each other, and building a life together. For now, we still live next door to my dad, but we’re moving soon to a bigger place. Somewhere perfect to raise our kids. Somewhere out of the city where our children can play in the grass and learn to ride their bikes.