Wes grimaced. "Who drives around with, like, extra signs to put up? Jesus."

"Dunno. Just was like all that work was wasted," Vince said.

Nathan slapped his arm. "Shit, dude. We got the point." A stab at the scorecard. "Am I right, ladies?"

Donnie would've liked a big fucking car crash but the challenge hadn't been keep stealing STOP signs until t

here's a big fucking car crash; it was steal a fucking STOP sign. Period.

"Dude," Wes was talking to him. "Show 'em."

Smiling, Donnie pulled his iPhone out and displayed the DIE JEW picture.

Nathan didn't seem happy. For a brief moment, the score had been tied. Now he and Vince were down two points.

Vince said, "That thing, that's Indian."

Impatiently, Donnie said, "What thing? And what Indian? Like Raj?"

"What's Raj?" Wes said.

His mother didn't let Wes and his sister, Maggie, watch much TV.

Donnie scoffed. "Raj, man, the brainiac on Big Bang Theory. Jesus."

"Oh. Sure." Nathan seemed to have no clue.

Vince said, "No, what I'm saying, Indian like bows and arrows and teepees."

"It's called a swastika," Wes said. "The Nazis used it."

Donnie added, "The Indians did too. I saw a special. I don't know."

Nathan asked, "Is a swasti-whatever, is it like a blade you throw? I mean, are those knives on the end?"

Wes said, "It's just a symbol. On their flag."

"The Indians?"

Wes cocked his head. "No, dude. The Nazis."

"Who were they again?" Nathan asked.

Donnie muttered, "They and the Jews had a big war."


"Game of Thrones. Like that."

Donnie muttered, "I guess. I don't know. Couple hundred years ago, I think." Then he was tired of history. He added their point to the score sheet.

Nathan said, "Okay. Our turn. We're challenging Darth and Wolverine to the following dare: You know Sally Caruthers, the cheerleader? We challenge you to get some Visine in her drink at school. That gives you the runs."

"That's way gross," Wes said.

Donnie liked the idea of the challenge and knew it wasn't a bad idea to stop dissing Jews and blacks for a while. But he said, "Yeah, yeah, but the game's on hold for a couple days."

"Yeah?" asked Nathan, frowning.