"Let somebody else run it."

"Who? I'm the only one."

This wasn't completely accurate, and his silence called her on the matter. She was angry that she felt defensive. "I want to run it."

"I heard you with TJ. The Serrano thing tomorrow. There'll be somebody from the task force. Who else's going with you?"

"Al." Big Albert Stemple. Her muscle.

"Why not take a whole team?"

"Because that'll set off alarms."

"And what if some banger finds out a key player in the Pipeline op is in Motel Six with one of his boys and he sends in a team of shooters to take you out?"

"I've thought about that. It's an acceptable risk."

"Oh, define that."


"Just take a weapon. That's all I'm saying."

Oh, so that's what this was about.

"I'm Civ-Div, and I--"

"You are not. You're full investigative. That's the way you're acting, at least."

"Well, I can't have a gun. Procedures. There's no alternative."

"Take one anyway. A Bodyguard, a Nano. I'll give you one of mine."

"It's a breach of--"

"It's only a breach if you get caught."

"And getting caught could ruin everything."

"Okay, Serrano's your priority. You want to play that out, fine."

Like he was giving her permission.

"Then give up Solitude Creek. I'll run it with my people. Coordinate with TJ and Rey. Even bring Connie Ramirez in." His voice was raw, like a purple line of storm cloud moving in. He added, "CBI'll get full credit."

She scoffed. "You think I care about that?"

His eyes looked away, answering: no, of course not. His comment had been a reflexive jab.

"Michael, I can't give the case up. Simple as that."

"Why not?"

Because she couldn't.

He persisted. "Tonight, at the Goldschmidt house, you weren't even supposed to be canvassing. You were supposed to stay at the scene."

"'Supposed to'?" she whispered harshly.