Page 125 of Xo (Kathryn Dance 3)

"Yeah, Edwin told me," Madigan said with a grim visage. "And I didn't believe him."

Dance continued, "One was bird droppings from seagulls."

Rhyme corrected, "The actual phrase was shit from, quote, 'birds most likely resident in a coastal region.' Not indigenous, mind you. I had no idea where they came from or where they were going. My only point was that the birds in question probably spent time recently on the coast dining on oceanic fish. And then we also identified some oil and fungus used in organic farming." A nod toward Sachs. "She has a pretty decent garden, by the way. I don't get the point of flowers myself but the tomatoes she grows are quite good."

Dance elaborated, "I remembered that Congressman Davis, Simesky and Babbage had been in Monterey campaigning, which is on the coast, where they might've picked up the bird-do trace. And they'd been stumping in ecofriendly organic farms from Watsonville to the Valley here."

"But why'd you get suspicious enough to consider that maybe Edwin wasn't the killer in the first place?" Madigan asked.

Dance laughed. "Bird shit again, in a way. See, in the header, Lincoln wrote just that. 'Bird shit.' But in the evidence chart he sent me he used the word 'excrement.'"

"That was Sachs," Rhyme grumbled.

"Well, that made me think of the website post threatening the congressman. I realized it just didn't sound like Edwin."

"The kinesics of language," O'Neil said.


She showed them the post that had raised some alarms.

I've seen all your postings, about Kayleigh. You claim you like her, you claim you love her music. But you use her like everybody does, you stole Leaving Home to keep the hispanics happy. Your a fucking hypocrit....

"That's not Edwin's tone. I've never heard him say or write an expletive. And there're grammatical mistakes: commas that weren't necessary and the misspelling of 'hypocrite' and 'you're,' which he never did in his emails to Kayleigh. Oh, and in his emails when he referred to one of her songs, he put the title in quotation marks. In the post that threatened Congressman Davis, the title wasn't set off at all. It struck me that it could have been written by somebody who thought that's what a crazy stalker would post.

"Then there were some questions that came up during my interview with Edwin." She explained about using content-based analysis in looking at what Edwin had said, rather than kinesics and body language. "Since I couldn't use traditional kinesic analysis I looked at the facts he was telling me. And some of them were inconsistent. Like the number of letters and emails Edwin received from Kayleigh. She and her lawyers said Edwin was sent a half dozen replies--all form emails or snail-mail letters. But in the interview Edwin told me he'd received more than that ... and he suggested to Pike that he'd found them very encouraging.

"I thought at first that was a product of his problems with reality awareness. But then I realized this was different. See, stalkers may misinterpret the implications of facts but they'll know what those facts are. However Edwin misconstrued Kayleigh's message in the letters, he'd know for certain exactly how many letters he received. Did that mean somebody else, posing as Kayleigh, had been sending him emails and letters?

"And then"--she delivered this with a wry smile at Michael O'Neil--"I wondered why was Peter Simesky so interested in me? He said the congressman wanted to bring me on board and maybe he did. But I think Simesky put that in Davis's head. It gave Simesky a chance to see how we were coming with the investigation and what we knew. Myra also seemed very interested in who I worked for. And the two of them, and Davis, had flown into San Francisco the other day; they might've bought the prepaid mobiles in Burlingame then. It's near the airport."

Madigan muttered, "So they killed Bobby and the file sharer to establish the pattern of Edwin's guilt."

"As tough as it is to consider that," Dance said, "yeah. I think that's the only reason they died." She glanced Rhyme's way. "After I got your text in the safe house about the bird excrement, I got suspicious about people close to Davis. I emailed my associate, TJ Scanlon, to run deep background checks on everyone on Davis's staff. Everybody was clean--but Simesky and Myra were too clean. They were perfect models of political aides, textbook. And they'd joined the campaign on the same day. And it was impossible to find out anything about them before they joined. TJ thought that was odd and kept digging and found some connection with the Keyholders group--who were on record as condemning many of Davis's positions but were especially vehement about his stand on easier immigration.

"I decided to play it safe and we got out through the side window of the safe house just as Myra arrived and engaged Tim." A nod toward Raymond. "We know what happened next."

P. K. Madigan pointed his spoon at the man in the wheelchair. "You sure you don't want any ice cream?"

"Not my vice of choice," the criminalist said.

Crystal Stanning walked into the sheriff's office. "We just found the good Samaritan."

"Who?" Madigan asked in blunt impatience. Apparently forgetting he was a civilian.

"The woman who gave Edwin directions when he got lost."

Ah, Alibi Woman.

"Edwin was right. It was at the same time Sheri Towne was attacked. And she positively identified him."

Madigan sighed. "Well, we got this one wrong, boys and girls. Get Sharp in here. I for one am going to apologize."

A moment later Edwin was escorted into the office and he looked around a little bewildered. His hair was askew. He seemed a bit dizzy, though he was fascinated with Rhyme and the wheelchair.

Gonzalez explained what had happened--which included the revelation that most of the emails he'd received from Kayleigh were fake, not from her at all.

Dance noted his face fall. "She didn't send them?"