Chapter 26

"THE FIRE'S STILL going," Harutyun told her over the phone. "He must've used five gallons of accelerant. It's in a shed beside the San Joaquin River."

You sit by the river, wondering what you got wrong, How many chances you'd missed all along.

Like your troubles had somehow turned you to stone and the water was whispering, why don't you come home?

Everyone in the room was staring at Dance. She ignored them and concentrated on her conversation with Harutyun. "Any witnesses?"


"How do you know it's related to the stalking?"

"Well, I don't know how to put it but out front we found a little shrine to Kayleigh."


"Yes'm. Pretty sick. A mound of rocks and a couple of her CDs next to them in front of the shed. And, you know what was weird?"

More than that? Dance couldn't begin to guess.

"A twenty-dollar bill under a rock. Like an offering."

"And no idea of the victim?"

"Or victims," he reminded. "The team got a look inside and saw a couple of legs. That's about all that was left. Then the roof came down. It was part of an old gas station so they're being careful, thinking there could be a buried tank nearby. Charlie Shean has his CS people running the scene outside, as close as they can. It's hot as Hades out there. One of the techs fainted from the heat, the jumpsuit. No tire treads or footprints. We've found two shell casings. Nine-millimeter." A click of the detective's tongue. "Same as Fuentes's gun, got stolen. But that could be a coincidence. At least--I pray this happened--he shot 'em before he set 'em on fire."

"We can hope."

"No bloodstains but looks like he swept over the dirt with a branch or something. They're taking samples. DNA could be the only way to find out who he killed."

An altar to Kayleigh. Well, it was in keeping with stalker behavior.

"Charlie's folks also ran the scene of the phone booth where he called Kayleigh. They got some trace but the fingerprints--close to forty--don't match anything else and they're not in AIFIS."

"Any spotting of Edwin?"

"Nope. I've got to go. I'll call you when I know more, Kathryn."


She disconnected, turned to Kayleigh, her father and the others and gave them a report.

Bishop closed his eyes and muttered what might've been a prayer. Dance recalled he'd gone through a phase where he released a Christian album--after rehab. It hadn't sold well.

"Who's the victim?" Kayleigh asked breathlessly.

"We don't know. It could be more than one. But because of the fire they couldn't get a good look inside."

"But where's Alicia? And Tye?" Kayleigh called and got through to both of them. All the rest of the crew were accounted for too, Kayleigh reported after speaking to Tye Slocum. "Jesus. Alicia was out riding her horse. And Tye? He was picking up extra guitar strings. We've got a thousand in the truck. Why did he need to do that? Drives me crazy."

The congressman and his entourage looked uneasy and Davis seemed to be thinking that a visit at this moment had not been a good idea. He said, "We've got some campaigning to do. Sorry to have bothered you."

"Not at all." It was Bishop, not Kayleigh, who made this comment.

Davis reiterated that he'd help out however he could. He'd see her at the concert.

"I'm not--" She fell silent, looking at her father, who gave no reaction. "Hey, thanks for your support."