Ten minutes later Dance parked the car in the gravel lot of the inn. Maggie offered, "Wow," bouncing on the seat as she examined the place.

"Yeah, neat." Though Wes was more subdued.

The quaint cottage--part of the luxurious Carmel Inn--was one of a dozen stand-alone cabins separate from the main building.

"There's a pool!" Maggie cried. "

I want to go swimming."

"Sorry, I forgot your suits." Dance nearly suggested Edie and Stuart could take them shopping for swimwear, but then recalled that her mother shouldn't be out in public--not with Reverend Fisk and his birds of prey on the loose. "I'll bring them by tomorrow. And, hey, Wes, there's a tennis court. You can practice with Grandpa."


They climbed out, Dance collecting their suitcases, which she'd packed earlier. The children would be staying here tonight with their grandparents.

They walked along the path bordered with vines and low, green chick-and-hen succulents.

"Which one's theirs?" Maggie asked, bouncing along the trail.

Dance pointed it out and the girl launched herself forward fast. She hit the buzzer and a moment later, just as Dance and Wes arrived, the door opened and Edie smiled at her grandchildren and let them inside.

"Grandma," Maggie called. "This is cool!"

"It's very nice. Come on in."

Edie gave a smile to Dance, who tried to read it. But the expression was as informative as a blank page.

Stuart hugged the children.

Wes asked, "You okay, Grandma?"

"I'm absolutely fine. How're Martine and Steve?"

"Okay," the boy said.

"The twins and I built a mountain out of pillows," Maggie said. "With caves."

"You'll have to tell me all about it."

Dance saw they had a visitor. Distinguished defense attorney George Sheedy rose and stepped forward, shaking Dance's hand and saying hello in his basso profundo voice. A briefcase was open on the coffee table in the sitting area of the suite, and yellow pads and printouts sat in cluttered stacks. The lawyer said hello to the children. He was courteous, but from his posture and expression Dance could tell immediately that the conversation she'd interrupted was a hard one. Wes regarded Sheedy suspiciously.

After Edie dispensed treats to the children, they headed outside to a playground.

"Stay with your sister," Dance commanded.

"Okay. Come on," the boy said to Maggie and, juggling juice boxes and cookies, they left. Dance glanced out the window and noted that she could see the playground from here. The pool was behind a locked gate. With children, you could never be too vigilant.

Edie and Stuart returned to the couch. Three cups of coffee rested, largely untouched, on a low driftwood table. Her mother would have instinctively prepared them the moment Sheedy arrived.

The lawyer asked about the case and the hunt for Travis Brigham.

Dance gave sketchy answers--which, in fact, were the best she could offer.

"And that girl, Kelley Morgan?"

"Still unconscious, it seems."

Stuart shook his head.