"Well, he wasn't there last night. He lied about that, like you were saying. But as for friends . . . he doesn't really hang out with people there. He'd just go, play games and then leave."

"Anybody covering for him?"

"That's not my impression."

Dance then told the young agent to meet her at Kelley Morgan's house.


"Oh, and Rey, one thing?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I need you to pick up something from the supply room at HQ."

"Sure. What?"

"Body armor. For both of us."

APPROACHING THE BRIGHAM house, Carraneo beside her, Kathryn Dance wiped her palm on her dark slacks. Touched the grip of her Glock.

I don't want to use it, she thought. Not on a boy.

It wasn't likely that Travis was here; MCSO had been running surveillance on the place since the boy had vanished from the bagel shop. Still, he could have snuck back in. And, Dance was reflecting, if it came to a firefight, she'd shoot if she had to. The rationale was simple. She'd kill another human being for the sake of her own children. She wouldn't let them grow up without any parent at all


The body armor chafed but gave her some confidence. She forced herself to stop patting the Velcro tabs.

With two county deputies behind them, they stepped onto the spongy front porch, keeping as far from the windows as possible. The family car was in the driveway. The landscape service truck too, a pickup with hollies and rose bushes in the bed.

In a whisper, she briefed Carraneo and the other officers about the younger brother, Sammy. "He's big and he'll seem unstable, but he probably isn't dangerous. Use nonlethal if it comes down to it."

"Yes, ma'am."

Carraneo was wary but calm.

She sent the deputies to the back of the property, and the CBI agents flanked the front door. "Let's do it." She banged on the rotting wood. "Bureau of Investigation. We have a warrant. Open the door, please."

Another pounding. "Bureau of Investigation. Open up!"

Hands near their weapons.

An interminable moment later, as she was about to knock again, the door opened and Sonia Brigham stood there staring with eyes wide. She'd been crying.

"Mrs. Brigham, is Travis here?"

"I . . ."

"Please. Is Travis home? It's important that you tell us."

"No. Really."

"We have a warrant to collect his belongings." Handing her the blue-backed document, Dance entered, Carraneo behind her. The living room was empty. She noticed both boys' doors were open. She saw no sign of Sammy and glanced into his room, noting elaborate charts, filled with hand-drawn pictures. She wondered if he was trying to write his own comic or Japanese manga.

"Is your other son here? Sammy?"

"He's out playing. Down by the pond. Please, do you know anything about Travis? Has anybody seen him?"