"Yeah, today's date too."

"Oh, man. Today?"

"Yep. What'd you find?"

"I'm at Bagel Express. Weird, but nobody here really knows anything about Travis. They said he showed up for work, but kept to himself. Didn't socialize, didn't say much, just left. He talked to one kid here about online games some. But that's it. And nobody's got any idea where he might go. Oh, and his boss said that he was going to fire Travis anyway. Ever since the blog postings he's been getting threats himself. Business is down. Customers're afraid to come in."

"All right, get back to the office. I need you to call all the state agencies who might've had vehicles in the area this morning. No make or tag. Probably dark, but search for anything." She told him what Pfister had seen. "Check with Parks, Caltrans, Fisheries, Environment, everybody you can think of. And find out if Travis has a cell phone and who the provider is. See if they can trace it. I meant to do that earlier."

They disconnected. Dance called her mother. No answer. She tried her father and the man picked up on the second ring.


"She's okay?"

"Yes. We're at the house, but we're packing up."


Stuart said, "The protesters from the hospital? They found out where we live. They're picketing outside."

"No!" Dance was furious.

He said grimly, "Interesting to watch your neighbors leave for work and find a dozen people with signs calling you a murderer. One of the posters was quite clever. It said, 'Dance of Death.' You have to give them credit."

"Oh, Dad."

"And somebody taped a poster of Jesus on the front door. He was being crucified. I think they're blaming Edie for that too."

"I can get you a room anonymously at the inn we use for witnesses."

"George Sheedy's already gotten us a room under a fake name," Stuart said. "I don't know how you feel about it, honey, but I think your mom'd love to see the kids. She's worried about how scared they got when the police came into the hospital."

"That's a great idea. I'll pick them up from Martine's and bring them to you. When're you checking in?"

"Twenty minutes." He gave her the address.

"Can I talk to her?"

"She's on the phone, honey, with Betsey. You can see her when you drop the kids off. Sheedy's coming over about the case."

They disconnected. O'Neil returned from the woods. She asked, "You find anything?"

"Some footprints that aren't helpful, a little bit of trace--a gray fiber, like the one we found earlier, and a shred of brown paper. An oat flake or grain of some kind. Could be from a bagel, I was thinking. Peter's waiting for it now. He'll get us the analysis as soon as he can."

"That's great for the case against him. But what we need now is something to tell us where he's hiding."

And the other question: Who's he about to attack next?

As Dance lifted her phone to call Jon Boling, the ring tone sounded. She gave a faint smile at the coincidence. His name showed in Caller ID.

"Jon," she answered.

As she listened to his words, her smile quickly faded.

Chapter 15

KATHRYN DANCE CLIMBED out of her Crown Vic in front of Kelley Morgan's house.