Reply to Chilton, posted by Tim Concord.

Your comment is EPIC WIN, Chilton! The police will get away with murder if we let them! I was pulled over on Sixty-eight because I'm African-American. The police made me sit on the ground for half an hour before they let me go and they wouldn't tell me what I'd done wrong, except for a light that was out. The government should be protecting lives not dissing innocent citizens. Thank you.

Reply to Chilton, posted by Ariel.

On Friday me and my friend went to see the place where it happened and we were crying when we saw the crosses and flowers there. We were sitting there and we looked all over the highway and there were no police there, I mean, none! Just after it happened! Where were the police? And maybe it was there were no warning signs or the road was slippery, but it looked pretty safe to me, even tho it was sandy, that's true.

Reply to Chilton, posted by SimStud.

I drive that stretch of highway all the time and it's not the most dangerous place in the world, so what I'm wondering is, did the police really look at who was behind the wheel, I know [the driver] from school and I don't think he's the best driver in the world.

Reply to SimStud, posted by Footballrulz.

Dude, not the BEST driver in the world???? H8 to break it to you but [the driver] is a total fr33k and a luser, he CANT drive. I don't even think he has a license. Why didn't the cops find THAT out? Too busy going for dounuts and coffee. LOL.

Reply to Chilton, posted by MitchT.

Chilton, You're always trashing the government which is total win but in this case forget the

road. It's fine. That guy from Caltrans said so. I've drove down there a hundred times and if you missed that curve because your drunk or stoned. If the police [deleted] up its because they didn't look at [the driver] close enough. He's a n00b and scary too. SimStud OWNS this thread.

Reply to Chilton, posted by Amydancer44.

This is weird cause my parents read The Report but I don't usually so it's weird that I'm here. But I heard around school what you'd posted about the accident and so I logged on. I read everything and I think you're one hundred percent right, and what that other poster said too. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty but I don't understand why the police just dropped the investigation.

Somebody who knows [the driver] was telling me that he was up all night before the party, I mean 24 hours, playing computer games. IMHO, he fell asleep driving. And another thing--those gamers think they're hot [deleted] behind the wheel b/c they play those driving games in the arcades but it's not the same thing.

Reply to Chilton, posted by Arthur Standish.

Federal funds for road maintenance have decreased consistently over the years, while the budget for U.S. military operations and foreign aid has quadrupled. Perhaps we should be more concerned about the lives of our citizens than those of people in other countries.

Reply to Chilton, posted by TamF1399.

[The driver] is effing weird, i mean dangerous. 1 time after cheerleader practice he was hanging out outside our locker room, like he was trying to look inside and get pictures on his phone. I go up to him and I'm like, what're you doing here and he looks at me like he was going to kill me. He's a total fr33k. i know a girl who goes to [deleted] with us and she told me [the driver] grabbed her boobs, only she's afraid to say anything because she thinks he'll come get her or start shooting people, like in Virginia Tech.

Reply to Chilton, posted by BoardtoDeath.

i heard somebody who knows a dude was at the party that night and he saw [the driver] before he got in the car and he was walking around all [deleted] up. And that's why they crashed. It was the POLICE lost the breathaliser results and it was embarrassing, so they had to let him go. And that's WORD.

Reply to Chilton, posted by SarafromCarmel.

I don't think it's fair what everybody in this thread is saying. We don't know the facts. The crash was a terrible tragedy and the police didn't press charges, so we have to go with that. Think what [the driver]'s going through. He was in my chemistry class and he never bothered anybody. He was pretty smart and helped our Table Team a lot. I'll bet he feels real bad about those girls. He's got to live with that for the rest of his life. I feel sorry for him.

Reply to SarafromCarmel, posted by Anonymous.

Sara U R a lame [deleted]. if he was driving the car then he DID something that made those girls die. How can you say he didn't? Jesus its people like you who let hitler gas the jews and bush go into Iraq. why dont you call [the driver] up and have him take you for a nice ride? i'll come put a cross at your [deleted]ing grave, you [deleted].

Reply to Chilton, posted by Legend666.

[The driver]'s brother is retarded and it might look bad for the police to arrest [the driver], cause of all this political correct stuff which makes me sick. Also they should check out the girls purses, I mean the girls in the crash, because I heard he ripped them off before the ambulances got there. His families so poor that they can't even afford a washer and drier. I've seen him and his mom and his [deleted]-up little brother at the laundromat on Billings all the time. Who goes to laundromats? Lusers that's who.

Reply to Chilton, posted by SexyGurl362.

My best friend is a junior at [deleted] with [the driver] and she was talking to somebody who was at the party where the girls who died were. [The driver] was sitting in a corner with his sweats hood up staring at everybody and talking to himself and somebody found him in the kitchen just looking at the knives. Everybody was like, what the hells he doing here? Why did he come?

Reply to Chilton, posted by Jake42.

U totally OWN it, Chilton!! Yeah [the driver] [deleted]ed up. Look at the luser, his life is epic FAIL!!! He's always faking he's sick in PE class to get out of working out. He only goes to the gym to hang around in the locker room and stare at everybody's [deleted]. He is totally gay, somebody told me that.