"Do you know a Jonathan Boling?"

"Jon? Yes." She was staring at a business card in his hand. And recalled that somebody had taken the victim's wallet to verify ID.

A horrifying thought: Was the victim Jon?

Her mind did one of its leaps--A to B to X. Had the professor learned something from Travis's computer or in his search for victims and, with Dance away, decided to investigate by himself?

Please, no!

She glanced briefly at O'Neil, horror in her eyes, and lunged for the body.

"Hey!" the CS tech shouted. "You'll contaminate the scene!"

She ignored him and flung back the tarp.

And gasped.

With mixed relief and horror, she stared down.

It wasn't Boling.

The lean bearded man in slacks and a white shirt had been repeatedly stabbed. One glazed eye was half open. A cross was carved into his forehead. Rose petals, red ones, were scattered over his body.

"But where did that come from?" she asked the other deputy, nodding at Boling's business card, her voice shaking.

"I was trying to tell you--he's at the roadblock, over there. Just drove up. He wants to see you. It's urgent."

"I'll talk to him in a minute." Dance inhaled deeply, shaken.

Another deputy came up with the dead man's wallet in a plastic bag. "Got the ID. His name's Mark Watson. He's a retired engineer. Went out to the store a few hours ago. Never got home."

"Who is he?" O'Neil asked. "Why was he picked?"

Dance dug into her jacket pocket and retrieved the list of everyone mentioned in the blog who might be a potential target.

"He posted in the blog--a reply to the 'Power to the People' thread. About the nuclear plant. It doesn't agree or disagree with Chilton about the location of the plant. It's neutral."

"So anybody connected to the blog at all could be at risk now."

"I'd think so."

O'Neil looked her over. He touched her arm. "You okay?"

"Just . . . kind of a scare."

She found herself thumbing Jon Boling's card. She told O'Neil she was going to see what he wanted and began down the path, her heart only now returning to a normal beat from the fright.

At the roadside she found the professor standing beside his car, the door open. She frowned. In the passenger seat was a teenager with spiky hair. He was wearing an Aerosmith T-shirt under a dark brown jacket.

Boling waved to her. She was struck by the look of urgency on his face, unusual for him.

And by the intensity of the relief she felt that he was all right.

Which gave way to curiosity when she saw what was stuck in the waistband of his slacks; she couldn't tell for certain but it seemed to be the hilt of a large knife.

Chapter 31

DANCE, BOLING AND the teenager were in her office at the CBI. Jason Kepler was a seventeen-year-old student in Carmel South High, and he, not Travis, was Stryker.